Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
A Screw Loose (Bronze) | Crash 5 times against the same obstacle in a single gameplay.
Crazy Good (Bronze) | Finish a mission to completion on the first try.
Explosion Fever (Bronze) | Die 10 times from mines on the same mission.
Lazy Machine (Bronze) | Complete a zone collecting less than 50% of the trash.
Made It All Green (Silver) | Completed 100% of the objectives in zone 5.
More than Clean (Silver) | Completed 100% of the objectives in zone 1.
Persistent (Bronze) | Complete a single mission 10 times.
Psychopath (Bronze) | Eliminate more enemies than needed for an objective.
Ready for Everest (Bronze) | Climb using wall jumps for more than 10 seconds.
Recycling Machine (Silver) | Completed 100% of the objectives in zone 2.
Self Love (Bronze) | Finish 20 missions with a full battery.
Super Marine (Silver) | Completed 100% of the objectives in zone 3.
That is not water (Bronze) | Die 10 times in radioactive pools.
Trash Vaccine (Silver) | Completed 100% of the objectives in zone 4.
You Have an Addiction (Bronze) | Take a battery when you don't need it.
You Need An Upgrade? (Bronze) | Die ten times on the same mission.