Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Acceptance | Follow the light. | Silver
Anger | Exit the caves. | Silver
Bargain | Exit the forest. | Silver
Bringing everything together | Six fragments of a memory. | Silver
Cherish the past | Six fragments of a memory. | Silver
Completion Serenity | No puzzle left undone. | Gold
Denial | See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. | Bronze
Depression | Exit the basement. | Silver
Do you remember these? | Six fragments of a memory. | Silver
Gnocchi Thursday | Lunch is served on Thursday. | Gold
I had forgotten so much | Six fragments of memory. | Silver
It's all coming back to me | A completed memento in the forest. | Gold
Journey Begins | Solve the first puzzle. | Bronze
My First Memento | A fragment of a memory. | Bronze
Opening the gates | Gain access to the large staircase. | Bronze
Our Journey ends | Climb to the top. | Platinum
Perfect memory | The pictures are complete. | Gold
Solaris Master | All the grids are blue now. | Silver
Sphere of Light | Become a light unto yourself | Bronze
These are precious to me | A completed memento in the caves. | Gold
Timber! | Find a way to cross the canyon. | Bronze
Together again | Go on sweetie, run to your father. | Bronze
Treasure hunter | A completed memento in the desert. | Gold
Vivid recollection | A completed memento in the hospital. | Gold