Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Client #251 Neuromapping Complete | Complete the Neuromapping process for Client #251 | 50
Client #418 | Solve Client #418 | 40
Client #418 Neuromapping Complete | Complete the Neuromapping process for Client #418 | 50
Client #440 | Solve Client #440 | 40
Client #440 Neuromapping Complete | Complete the Neuromapping process for Client #440 | 50
Client #909 | Solve Client #909 | 40
Client #909 Neuromapping Complete | Complete the Neuromapping process for Client #909 | 50
First Breakthrough | Solve Client #251 | 40
First Day of Work | Complete Registration | 15
Intermediate Neuromapping I | Neuromap 20 Memories | 110
Intermediate Neuromapping II | Neuromap 35 Memories | 120
Intermediate Neuromapping III | Neuromap 55 Memories | 125
IntroSim Neuromapping Complete | Complete the Neuromapping process for IntroSim | 50
Neuromapping Novice I | Neuromap 3 Memories | 30
Neuromapping Novice II | Neuromap 5 Memories | 50
Neuromapping Novice III | Neuromap 10 Memories | 100
Neuroprober Training Complete | Complete IntroSim | 40