Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Architect III (100 points) | Upgrade command bunker to rank 8.
Aviator II (50 points) | Promote the bomber in the command bunker.
Bandit II (100 points) | Loot 2500000 supplies from the enemy.
Cannon Fodder II (50 points) | Lose 500 riflemen in battle.
Greenhorn III (25 points) | Complete the tutorial.
Home Guard II (50 points) | Garrison 500 army units.
No Man's Land II (50 points) | Remove 8 obstacles from your islands.
Skipper II (25 points) | Promote the warship in the command bunker.
Strategist III (50 points) | Attain 45 stars in the campaign.
Tag Collector III (100 points) | Acquire 2500 dog tags from the enemy.
Terra Firma II (100 points) | Expand your base to 4 islands.
TrailBlazer II (100 points) | Attain 10 consecutive victories against the enemy.
Treasurer III (100 points) | Upgrade a supply depot to rank 10.
Warmonger II (100 points) | Attain 100 offensive victories against the enemy.