Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A Tall Order (25 points) | Defeat 50 Dwarves.
Always Wear a Seatbelt (15 points) | Knock a Dwarf Off a Hog.
Automatic Charges (50 points) | Fully Upgrade the Crossbow.
Ex Spear-imental Weaponry (50 points) | Fully Upgrade the Spear.
Exchanging Peasantaries (20 points) | Complete Level 1.
In to the Dark Ages (30 points) | Complete a Night Level.
It's About Time (30 points) | Collect 3 Stars in a Time Level.
Just Star-ting Out (50 points) | Collect 50 Stars.
Just a Fletch Wound (50 points) | Defeat the Evil Archer.
Many Re-star-ts Later (125 points) | Collect 150 Stars.
On a Bow String Budget (50 points) | Fully Upgrade the Bow.
Receding Heir Line (100 points) | Defeat the King!
Spear Me the Pun (30 points) | Unlock the Spear.
Stand Tall (75 points) | Defeat the King's Commander.
Star-tling Progress (100 points) | Collect 100 Stars.
The Art of Trolling (40 points) | Defeat the King's Troll.
Tipping the Scales (30 points) | Defeat the King's Dragon.
Variety is the Spice of...Spears (30 points) | Hit Every Enemy Type With the Spear.
Who Says Money Can't Buy Happiness? (100 points) | Unlock all Upgrades!