Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
99 Problems But A Gauntlet Aint 1! (99 points) | Survive gauntlet mode in 99 attempts or under.
All Gears In One Place (25 points) | Collect 5 million life time points.
All That Glitters (50 points) | Collect 20 rare cogs from 20 different gauntlets.
Break Through To The Other Side (100 points) | Destroy 100 barriers of each colour.
Deep Pockets (25 points) | Collect 10 million life time points.
Gear Genius (50 points) | Survive 30 gauntlets with an S grade.
Gear Graduate (50 points) | Survive 20 gauntlets with an S grade.
Gear In The Making (50 points) | Survive 10 gauntlets with an S grade.
Gold Mine (50 points) | Collect 30 rare cogs from 30 different gauntlets.
Is It Hot In Here? (50 points) | Survive all 10 gauntlets within Damned Inferno.
Keeping The Faith (25 points) | Contain your rage and attempting a single gauntlet 99 times or more.
Make Like A Tree & Leave (50 points) | Survive all 10 gauntlets within Loki Tree.
Nest Egg (50 points) | Collect 10 rare cogs from 10 different gauntlets.
Ooh Shiny! (25 points) | Collect 5 rare cogs from 5 different gauntlets.
Out Of The Cold (50 points) | Survive all 10 gauntlets within Shard Caves.
Piston Perfection (50 points) | Survive all 10 gauntlets within Infinite Gear.
Rolling In Dough! (50 points) | Collect 20 million life time points.
Throwing Down The Gauntlet! (1 points) | Survive the first gauntlet.
Top Gear (75 points) | Survive 40 gauntlets with an S grade.
Treasure Trove (75 points) | Collect 40 rare cogs from 40 different gauntlets.