Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
...and there will be nothing (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the burned forest area.
Circle of life (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the circle area.
Dawn of the Bone God (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the throne area.
Globetrotter (Bronze) | You've unlocked all safe spots.
In the name of the Father (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the church area.
Is it madness? (Bronze) | You've unlocked the incident in the bunker.
Sacrificed (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the altar area.
Speleologist (Bronze) | You've explored the cave.
Strange lights in the sky (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the radar station area.
Suffering for no reason (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the cave area.
Survivalist (Gold) | You've survived!
The Incident (Bronze) | You've reached the tent.
The end of all things (Silver) | You've unlocked the real ending.
The most dangerous game (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the hunters cabin area.
There is no hope (Bronze) | You've collected a note in the tree area.