Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Basic Training Certification (100 points) | Complete the final stage of VR Training and receive your Basic Training Certification.
Crushed (50 points) | Eliminate an enemy mech by landing on top of it, crushing its robot soul.
EMPowerless (50 points) | Eliminate an enemy while it is under the effect of your EMP.
Eye to Eye (50 points) | Eliminate an enemy mech that is zoomed in while you are also zoomed in.
Finisher 1 (50 points) | Eliminate an enemy mech while it is repairing.
Finisher 2 (100 points) | Eliminate 10 enemy mechs while they are repairing.
Finisher 3 (200 points) | Eliminate 100 enemy mechs while they are repairing.
I've Made a Huge Mistake (50 points) | Deal over 10,000 damage to yourself with your own explosive weapons.
Off Guard (50 points) | Eliminated an enemy mech that was currently zoomed in.
Overkill (200 points) | Eliminate 10 enemies without dying.
Shut Down (50 points) | Eliminate an enemy mech while its weapons are overheated.
Survivalist (50 points) | Survive for 15 seconds with less than 10% armor, and then eliminate an enemy mech.