Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A FISTFUL OF STRAWBERRIES (50 points) | You harvested your first strawberries, now a word of encouragement from our sponsor Somanto.
ALL NIGHTMARE (50 points) | The SOMANTO agents knocking at your door agree.
ANTI-SOMANTOISM (100 points) | You have purchased no turret in Challenge mode.
BASETOPIA (50 points) | You deployed mobile power nodes. Now don't you go break our level designs.
CAPTAIN PLANET (50 points) | You have finished McDROID in normal. Do you want to try Challenge?
CAPTURED MUTAGEL VAT (50 points) | You guiltlessly destroyed the SOMANTO "Tower of Terror" and captured a Mutagel Vat.
CHLOROPHYL ALLERGIES (50 points) | Completed "Anti Bliss" without a single bliss engine or redwood.
FIREFIGHTER (50 points) | With ninja-skills you've flipped all your turrets out of harms way - in CHALLENGE.
FIRST NIGHTMARE (50 points) | You have achieved the impossible and won ONE nightmare level.
FRIEND OF NIKOLA (100 points) | You have completed a level buying and using only Tesla coils.
FULLY OPERATIONAL (50 points) | From itty bitty doggy robot, to rail upgraded mobile battle station, give us a roar.
HEALED THE PLANET (50 points) | You have healed your planet and she is happy now. But for how long...
NO MORE BABY TALK (50 points) | Planet is healing, now her cognitive abilities are re-emerging... pfuuu.
STRAWBERRY PIGGY (50 points) | You farmed 1000 strawberries in one level of the campaign.
THE FIRST HEALING (50 points) | The first planet nodule is healed.
TOUGHTANIUM UNDERPANTS (50 points) | SOMANTO's anabolic seem to be working for you. You have finished the game in Challenge.
TRIAL BY SPAWNER (50 points) | You survived volcanoes, Spawners and dodged their offspring. Planet was right to chose you.
UZUMAKI DESKA ? (50 points) | You survived The Spiral for 50 waves of vertigo inducing madness.