Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
100 % no mercy (20 points) | Win 100 races online.
A bridge too far (10 points) | Move from one bridge to another over Spider Gorges.
Acrobat (10 points) | Reach a total of 150,000 style points in one race.
Attack of the plumber (20 points) | Land on an opponent and make him or her fall down.
Bend the knees (30 points) | Successfully attempt 50 perfect landings in one race.
Big bully (30 points) | Make 100 online opponents fall down.
Black belt in Style (15 points) | Reach a total of 500,000 style points in one race.
Brush with death (20 points) | Brush against vehicles in traffic 300 times.
Burnt rubber (5 points) | Do a 10-turn donut.
Champion of the world (20 points) | Win a ten-player online championship.
Clean sweep (30 points) | Succeed 55 challenges.
Controlled skid (20 points) | Do a 250-meter drift.
Fancy meeting you here! (20 points) | Join a private online game.
Fashionista (20 points) | Customize Stella to the max.
Feeling Saul lonely (20 points) | Win the 3-3 challenge without using the turbo.
Fine wine gets better with age (20 points) | Win all races in the 6-5 Championship with Amund.
Future champion (20 points) | Succeed chapter 5.
Gently does it (20 points) | Successfully perform 200 T.U.R.B.O landings.
Gravity (30 points) | Reach a total of one hour in mid-air.
Heavy traffic (30 points) | Succeed all the slalom challenges with 3 stars.
Highway to hell (30 points) | Unlock the eleventh chapter.
I believe I can fly (10 points) | Score more than 800 points with a single trick.
It's all about style (30 points) | Score more than 5 000 000 style points.
Johnny, be good! (10 points) | Successfully attempt 200 orange T.U.R.B.O boosts.
Mid-air choreography (20 points) | Reach a x10 style combo.
Mom! Look at me! (5 points) | Do a trick.
No competition (30 points) | Finish a race 10s ahead of your nearest rival (single race - 'God' difficulty).
Olé (20 points) | Do 250 wheelies.
Outrageously good (10 points) | Do a 5-second burn out... and win!.
Perfectionist (50 points) | Unlock 165 stars.
R&D (20 points) | Upgrade the T.U.R.B.O on Jody and Saul's bikes to the max.
Rookie (10 points) | Succeed a challenge.
Single is simple, double is trouble (20 points) | Do a double flip.
Spanner in the wheels (20 points) | Do 200 swerves.
Spartacus (30 points) | You knocked down 100 riders with swerves.
Start with Style (5 points) | Reach a total of 50,000 style points in one race.
Street hawk (20 points) | Score 3000 high-speed points in one go.
The Leech (15 points) | Reach a total of 180 seconds of slipstreaming during a race.
The ambassador's reception (15 points) | Play a ten-player game.
The eagle has landed (30 points) | Ride on a truck's trailer.
This one's for you, Paul! (10 points) | Do a wheelie on the Great Wall of China.
Tightrope walker (20 points) | Do 3500 wheelies.
To infinity and beyond (20 points) | Keep your light trail for 120 seconds.
Top mechanic (20 points) | Upgrade Wrench and Bolt's bikes to the max.
Top of the charts (30 points) | Win the 9-3 challenge with a Gold performance.
Uncharted (30 points) | Find all the shortcuts in the game.
Whiplash (10 points) | Perform a whip on a dirt bike.
Who's the boss? (10 points) | Win a ten-player online game.
Yamakasi (20 points) | Do a Flip + Trick combo.
Young prodigy (20 points) | Win the 6-2 challenge with a Gold performance.