Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Astro-Not! (secret) | Complete Galaxy B | 50
Breaking the Law. Of Physics. (secret) | Complete Galaxy D | 50
Forced into Space for Unknown Reasons (secret) | Finish all levels in Galaxy A | 50
Galactic Bulge (secret) | Earn a 3 star rating on all levels in Galaxy D | 100
My Mellow-Harshing, Amigo (secret) | Hear all insults | 100
Not Saying It Was Aliens, But It Was Aliens (secret) | Complete Galaxy C | 50
Quasi-Stellar Object (secret) | Earn a 3 star rating on all levels in Galaxy B | 100
Slow Clap. In Space. (secret) | Earn a 3 star rating on all levels in Galaxy A | 100
Star Rats Spelled Backwards is Star Rats (secret) | View the ending | 100
This is the End. (secret) | View the true ending | 200
Your Anus. Erm, Uranus. (secret) | Earn a 3 star rating on all levels in Galaxy C | 100