Complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding weapon.
Weapon | How to unlock
Capstone Hydra | Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622.
CS Negotiator | Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278.
CS-110 Archangel | Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. at coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312.
CS-44 Peacebringer | Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon.
Dionysus PLDS-H | Progress through the storyline.
Fire Leech | Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954.
M-488 | Progress through the storyline.
The Thunderbird | Progress through the storyline.
U-24 Shotgun Bully | Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte.
UPU-210 | Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760.
Urga STUPKA-210 | Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate.
USV-45 Sokol | Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037.
UVK-13 | Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598.