Go to the indicated location to find the corresponding Monolith.
Location | How to unlock
3 Types of Artes | Marlind, the City of the Great Tree.
3 Types of Artes | Pendrago Shrinechurch.
3 Types of Artes | Tintagel Ruins.
3 Types of Artes | Westronbolt Gorge.
Advanced Techniques | Hexen Isle.
Advanced Techniques | Ladylake, the Aquapolis.
Advanced Techniques | Lamorak Cave.
Advanced Techniques | Zaphgott Moor.
Armatization | Marlind, the City of the Great Tree.
Armatization | Pendrago, the Blessed Capital.
Armatization | Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Armatization | Westronbolt Gorge.
Blast Gauge | Cambria Caverns.
Blast Gauge | Dumnonia Museum.
Blast Gauge | Plitzerback Wetland.
Blast Gauge | Rayfalke Spiritcrest.
Changing the Control Mode | Lakehaven Heights.
Changing the Control Mode | Tintagel Ruins.
Combo Effect | Dumnonia Museum.
Combo Effect | Pearloats Pasture.
Combo Effect | Rayfalke Spiritcrest.
Commands | Biroclef Ridge.
Commands | Lamorak Cave.
Difficulty Settings | Camlann, the Origin Village.
Difficulty Settings | Elysia, Home of the Seraphim.
Difficulty Settings | Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Difficulty Settings | Volgran Forest.
Dropped Items | Aifread’s Hunting Ground.
Dropped Items | Galahad Ruins.
Dropped Items | Lamorak Cave.
Effect Potential | Dumnonia Museum.
Effect Potential | Meadow of Triumph.
Elements and Status | Bors Ruins.
Elements and Status | Lakehaven Heights.
Elements and Status | Pearloats Pasture.
Elements and Status | Plitzerback Wetland.
Grade | Bors Ruins.
Grade | Malory, the Patinal Forest.
Grade | Volgran Forest.
Guarding | Glaivend Basin.
Guarding | Mt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Hidden Artes | Lakehaven Heights.
Hidden Artes | Lastonbell, City of Artisans.
Hit Points. | Ladylake, the Aquapolis.
Hit Points | Glaivend Basin.
Hit Points | Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Martial Artes | Falkewin Hillside.
Martial Artes | Mt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Mystic Artes | Igraine, Shrine of the Fire Trial.
Mystic Artes | Morgause, Shrine of the Earth Trial.
Mystic Artes | Volgran Forest.
Power Links | Meadow of Triumph.
Quickstep | Elysia, Home of the Seraphim.
Quickstep | Falkewin Hillside.
Quickstep | Galahad Ruins.
Seraphic Artes | Glaivend Basin.
Seraphic Artes | Ladylake, the Aquapolis.
Seraphic Artes | Lastonbell, City of Artisans.
Seraphic Artes | Zaphgott Moor.
Spirit Chain | Lastonbell, City of Artisans.
Spirit Chain | Mt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Spirit Chain | Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Status Ailments | Gaferis Ruins.
Status Ailments | Igraine, Shrine of the Fire Trial.
Status Ailments | Tintagel Ruins.
Strategy | Marlind, the City of the Great Tree.
Switching Seraphim | Aifread’s Hunting Ground.
Switching Seraphim | Falkewin Hillside.
Switching Seraphim | Rayfalke Spiritcrest.
Targeting | Elysia, Home of the Seraphim.
Targeting | Galahad Ruins.
Targeting | Morgause, Shrine of the Earth Trial.
Weaknesses and Resistances | Bors Ruins.
Weaknesses and Resistances | Galahad Ruins.
Weaknesses and Resistances | Malory, the Patinal Forest.
Weaknesses and Resistances | Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
When The Going Gets Tough | Marlind, the City of the Great Tree.
When The Going Gets Tough | Meadow of Triumph.