Below is a list of ALL the characters that are currently available from 'Season One' DLC. 'Season Two' DLC is rumored but expected to bring 8 more characters in late 2014.
Fulgore will be unlocked after an automatic download in March 2014, as part of any Paid DLC Pack.
Glacius can only be downloaded via the Paid DLC.
Jago is the only character who is always available for free in the 'Round One Pack' — as part of Microsoft's free-to-play model — when you download Killer Instinct.
Black Orchid can only be downloaded via the Paid DLC.
Sabrewolf can only be downloaded via the Paid DLC.
Sadira can only be downloaded via the Paid DLC.
Shadow Jago
Only available as an Exclusive DLC Character download code, that you can get by buying the Day One 12-Month Xbox Live Membership Card.
Spinal will be unlocked after an automatic download in January 2014, as part of any Paid DLC Pack.
Chief Thunder can only be downloaded via the Paid DLC. |