Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Giant Spear (15 points) | Execute a Big E Spear.
I'm running in! (15 points) | MyCAREER - Successfully perform 10 or more run-ins during entrances, or mid-match.
Lightning Reflexes (15 points) | Reverse a curb stomp with the RKO catch Finisher.
Phenom vs. Scorpion (30 points) | WWE Universe - Win a WrestleMania match between Undertaker and Sting. (Single play)
Suplex City (30 points) | With Lesnar, execute "German Suplex 4" or "Back Suplex 2" 10 times in a single match. (Single play)
The Start of a Rivalry (15 points) | MyCAREER - Become rivals with Tyler Breeze.
What? What? What? (20 points) | 2K Showcase WM19 scenario - Get out of 3 pins during the last Historical Objective.