Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Crates Be Gone (Bronze) | Combine the hammer with a powerup.
Double Smash (Bronze) | Smash two lines of crates by combining two powerups.
First Toy (Bronze) | Make a toy by assembling all the pieces.
Four in a Row (Bronze) | Make a row or column powerup.
Hammer Power (Gold) | Use the hammer on a toy piece.
Moves to Spare (Silver) | Complete an advanced level in less than a quarter of the moves given.
No Help Needed (Bronze) | Complete an advanced level without the use of any tools.
Shake, Rattle, and Boom (Bronze) | Cause an opponets board to shake in multiplayer.
Speed Demon (Silver) | Beat an advanced level in less than a third of the time given.
Toy Smasher (Silver) | Use the hammer to break an opponents toy in multiplayer.
Twice the Fun (Bronze) | Make two toys in the same level.