Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A Sad Tune (50 points) | Make someone feel better.
Behind the Curtain (100 points) | Find the secret.
Black Sheep (100 points) | Every family's got one.
Bunny Buddies (50 points) | Make the bunnies play nice.
Call of the Giants (100 points) | Sound the giant horn.
Falling Star (50 points) | Make a wish.
Love Birds (150 points) | Re-unite the two love birds.
Take a Break (50 points) | Take a break from adventuring.
Turtle Soup (150 points) | Help the turtles to the sea.
Whale Song (50 points) | Practise singing.
Windpipe (100 points) | Make the inventor dance.
Wishing Well (50 points) | Throw someone's ball down a well.