Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Ace's Training Day (20 points) | Complete every training job for Ace.
Big Bite of the Apple (70 points) | Complete every job in Lower Manhattan.
Bought Out Bronx (70 points) | Complete every job in Bronx.
Brooklyn In The Bag (70 points) | Complete every job in Brooklyn.
Burnout (50 points) | Disable 10 Cops using Dali's Turbo.
Captured Queen (70 points) | Complete every job in Queens.
Dali's Training Day (20 points) | Complete every training job for Dali.
Demolition Man (50 points) | Destroy 10 Walls using C4 Explosive
Diamonds Are Forever (90 points) | Earn three diamonds on all jobs.
Fish's Training Day (20 points) | Complete every training job for Fish.
Fog Of War (50 points) | Disable 10 cops using Fish's Tactical Smoke Grenade.
Infiltrator (50 points) | Hack 10 Gates using the Decryption Tool.
Knox's Training Day (20 points) | Complete every training job for Knox.
Master Hacker (50 points) | Hack 10 alarms using Ace's Alarm Jammer.
Off The Island (70 points) | Complete every job in Staten Island.
Pop A Wheelie (50 points) | Disable 10 cops using Dali's Tire Spikes.
Sleight Of Hand (50 points) | Rob 10 Targets using the Safecracker Tool.
The Last Heist (80 points) | Complete the last known job in NYC.
The Pinch (50 points) | Disable 10 Cops using EMP Grenades.