Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Always Thinking (Bronze) | The Strategist appeared in Legend Mode.
Anarchist (Bronze) | Acquired first Secret Weapon at Chaos difficulty level.
Arena (Bronze) | Played Arena in Challenge Mode.
Army of One (Bronze) | Defeated 1000 enemies in one Legend Mode battle.
Battle-hardened Veteran (Silver) | Cleared stages over 1000 times.
Beloved Ruler (Bronze) | Town atmosphere became Friendly in Legend Mode.
Best of the Best (Silver) | Attained first place in the rankings for all Challenge Mode courses.
Black Belt (Bronze) | Executed a combo involving Normal, Strong, EX, and Musou 1 Attacks and a Weapon Switch.
Breaker of Bedlam (Bronze) | Acquired half of all Secret Weapons at Chaos difficulty level.
Bridge Melee (Bronze) | Played Bridge Melee in Challenge Mode.
Champion (Bronze) | Attained first place in the rankings for Rampage in Challenge Mode.
Classicist (Bronze) | Cleared all Classic stages in Legend Mode.
Connoisseur (Bronze) | Viewed all events available in Legend Mode.
Decorated Officer (Bronze) | Awarded first Title.
First Past the Post (Bronze) | Attained first place in the rankings for Speed Run in Challenge Mode.
Gladiator (Bronze) | Attained first place in the rankings for Arena in Challenge Mode.
Hit with the Ladies (Bronze) | Heard all female characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.
Home Decorator (Bronze) | Obtained wallpapers 1 and 2 for Pang De, Wang Yi and Guo Jia.
Imperial Protector (Silver) | Welcomed the Emperor to the castle in Legend Mode.
Into Chaos (Bronze) | Cleared a Legend Mode scenario at the Chaos difficulty level.
It's Raining Men (Bronze) | Heard all male characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.
King of Jin (Bronze) | Sima Zhao awarded top Title.
King of Shu (Bronze) | Liu Bei and Liu Shan awarded top Title.
King of Wei (Bronze) | Cao Cao and Cao Pi awarded top Title.
King of Wu (Bronze) | Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Sun Quan awarded top Title.
King of the Hill (Bronze) | Attained first place in the rankings for Bridge Melee in Challenge Mode.
Legendary Hero (Bronze) | Cleared all Legendary Hero stages in Legend Mode.
Legendary Warrior (Silver) | Acquired all Secret Weapons at Nightmare difficulty level.
Lord of the Three Kingdoms (Gold) | All characters awarded top Title.
Martial Artist (Bronze) | Achieved 5 consecutive growth item power-ups by executing combos.
Master Trader (Bronze) | Obtained all trade goods in Legend Mode.
Master of Chaos (Silver) | Acquired all Secret Weapons at Chaos difficulty level.
Millionaire (Bronze) | Obtained a total of more than 1 million gold over the course of the game.
Outcast Hero (Bronze) | All officers in Other category awarded top Title.
Perfection (Bronze) | Maxed out the growth parameters of a single character.
Rampage (Bronze) | Played Rampage in Challenge Mode.
Rising Dragon (Bronze) | Awarded high-ranking Title for one character.
Savvy Politician (Bronze) | The Counselor began work in Legend Mode.
Siege Weapon Master (Bronze) | Defeated 1000 enemies using a siege weapon.
Sleepwalker (Bronze) | Acquired first Secret Weapon at Nightmare difficulty level.
Speed Run (Bronze) | Played Speed Run in Challenge Mode.
Survivor (Bronze) | Acquired half of all Secret Weapons at Nightmare difficulty level.
The Nightmare Begins (Bronze) | Cleared a Legend Mode scenario at the Nightmare difficulty level.
Trader (Bronze) | The Merchant began trading in Legend Mode.
True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms (Platinum) | Obtained all trophies.
Unrivaled Warrior (Bronze) | Defeated 3000 enemies in one Legend Mode battle.
Up for a Challenge (Bronze) | Visited the castle town for the first time in Legend Mode.
War Hero (Bronze) | Awarded top Title for one character.
Weapons Master (Gold) | Acquired all weapons available in Legend Mode.
Worshipped by All (Silver) | Heard all characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.