Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Mobile Suit.
Suit | How to unlock
00 Raiser | Play 10 times as Setsuna.
Abyss | Play 5 times as Auel.
Acguy | Perform Burst Combo using Team Musou 20 times.
Aegis | Play 10 times as Athrun.
Akatsuki | Play 10 times as Cagalli, Neo.
Alpha Azieru | Play 10 times as Quess Paraya.
Arios | Play 10 times as Allelujah.
Ball | Complete Master the Simulator!
Banshee | Play 10 times as Marida Cruz, Riddhe Marcenas.
Barzam | Use Combo Burst Attacks 50 times.
Baund Doc | Play 5 times as Jerid Messa.
Bawoo | Play 5 times as Glemy Toto.
Big-Zam | Play as Dozel 10 times in Big Zam.
Blaze ZAKU Phantom | Play 5 times as Dearka.
Blitz | Play 5 times as Nicol.
Bolinoak Sammahn | Play 5 times as Sarah Zabiarov.
Burning Gundam | Play 10 times as Domon, Schwarz.
Buster | Play 5 times as Dearka.
Byalant | Play 5 times as Jerid Messa.
Calamity | Play 5 times as Orga.
Chaos | Play 5 times as Sting.
Char's Gelgoog | Play as Char Aznable 10 times in Gelgoog.
Char's Z'gok | Play 5 times as Char Aznable.
Char's Zaku II | Play as Char Aznable 10 times in Char's Zaku Ii.
Cherudim | Play 10 times as Lockon.
Dark Army | Use Combo Burst Attacks 40 times.
Deathscythe Hell | Play 10 times as Duo.
Delta Plus | Play 5 times as Riddhe Marcenas.
Destiny | Play 10 times as Shinn.
Destroy | Play 10 times as Stella, Sting.
Dom | Use Burst attack 70 times.
Dom | Use Burst Attacks 70 times.
DoubleX | Play 10 times as Garrod Ran.
Duel | Play 5 times as Yzak.
Epyon | Play 10 times as Heero, Milliardo.
F91 | Play 10 times as Seabook Arno, Cecily Fairchild.
Forbidden | Play 5 times as Shani.
Freedom | Play 10 times as Kira.
Gaia | Play 5 times as Stella.
Gaza C | Use Burst Attacks 30 times.
Gaza D | Use Burst Attacks 60 times.
Geara Doga | Use Burst Attacks 140 times.
Geara Doga (Rezin) | Use Combo Burst Attacks 200 times.
Geara Zulu | Use Burst Attacks 160 times.
Geara Zulu (Angelo) | Play 5 times as Angelo Sauper.
Gedlav & Einerad | Use Burst Attacks 120 times.
Gelgoog | Use Burst Attacks 80 times.
Gelgoog | Use burst attack 80 times.
Gelgoog (Johnny Ridden) | Play Char's Gelgoog 5 times as Char.
Ginn | Use Burst Attacks 50 times.
GM | Perform Burst combo using team Musou 20 times.
GM | Use Combo Burst Attacks 20 times.
GM Command | Use Combo Burst Attacks 80 times.
GM Command | Perform Burst Combo using team Musou 80 times.
GM II | Use Combo Burst Attacks 70 times.
Gottrlatan | Play 5 times as Katejina.
Gouf | Ramba Ral 3 times in Gouf.
Gouf | Play 3 times in Gouf Ramba Ral.
Gouf Flight Type | Use Burst Attacks 90 times.
GP01 | Play 10 times as Kou Uraki.
GP02 | Play 10 times as Anavel Gato.
Guncannon | Play 10 times as Kai, Hayato, Sleggar.
Guncannon | Play as Kai, Hayato, Sleggar in Guncannon.
Gundam | Play 10 times as Amuro.
Gundam | Play as Amuro Ray 10 times in Gundam.
Gundam MK II AGUE | Play 10 times as Kamille Bidan, Emma Sheen.
Gundam MK II Titans | Play 10 times as Kamille Bidan.
Gunner ZAKU Warrior (Lunamaria) | Play 5 times as Lunamaria.
Gyan | Play 5 times as M'Quve.
Gyan | Play as M'Quve.
Hambrabi | Play 10 times as Yazan Gable.
Heavyarms Kai | Play 10 times as Trowa.
Hizack | Play 5 times as Sarah Zabiarov.
Hyakushiki | Play 10 times as Quattro Bajeena, Beecha Oleg.
Impulse | Play 10 times as Shinn, Lunamaria.
Infinite Justice | Play 10 times as Athrun, Lacus.
Jagd Doga Gyunei | Play 5 times as Gyunei Guss.
Jagd Doga Quess | Play 5 times as Quess Paraya.
Jegan | Use Combo Burst Attacks 100 times.
Justice | Play 10 times as Athrun.
Kapool | Use Burst Attacks 40 times.
Knight Gundam | Complete True Gundam Dynasty Warrior.
Kshatriya | Play 10 times as Marida Cruz.
Legend | Play 10 times as Rey.
M1 Astray | Use Combo Burst Attacks 180 times.
Marasai | Play 5 times as Jerid Messa.
Marasai | Play 5 times as Sarah Zabiarov.
Mass Produce Bawoo (Glemy) | Use Burst Attacks 100 times.
Mass Produce Qubeley | Use Combo Burst Attacks 120 times.
Mass Produced Bawoo (Axis) | Use Combo Burst Attacks 90 times.
Master Gundam | Play 10 times as Master Asia.
Musha Gundam | Complete True Gundam Dynasty Warrior.
Musha Gundam Mk II | Complete True Gundam Dynasty Warrior.
Nemo | Use Burst Attacks 20 times.
Nu Gundam | Play 10 times as Amuro Ray.
Palace Athene | Play 5 times as Reccoa Londe.
Providence | Play 10 times as Rau.
Psyco Gundam | Play 10 times as Four Murasame.
Psyco Gundam MKII | Play 10 times as Rosamia Badam, Ple Two.
Qubeley | Play 10 times as Haman Karn.
Qubeley MKII Ple | Play 10 times as Elpeo Ple.
Qubeley MKII Ple Two | Play 10 times as Ple Two.
Quin Mantha | Play 10 times as Ple Two.
Raider | Play 5 times as Chloto.
RE-GZ | Play 5 times as Amuro Ray.
Reborn | Play 10 times as Ribbons.
Rick Dias | Play 3 times as Amuro Ray, Quattro Bajeena, Emma Sheen.
Sazabi | Play 10 times as Char Aznable.
Seravee | Play 10 times as Tieria.
Sinanju | Play 10 times as Full Frontal.
Slash ZAKU Phantom | Play 5 times as Yzak.
Strike | Play 10 times as Kira, Mu.
Strike Dagger | Use Combo Burst Attacks 140 times.
Strike Freedom | Play 10 times as Kira.
Strike Rouge | Play 10 times as Cagalli.
Susanowoo | Play 10 times as M. Bushido.
Tallgese II | Play 10 times as Treize.
The O | Play 10 times as Paptimus Scirocco.
Turn-A | Play 10 times as Loran.
Turn-X | Play 10 times as Ghim.
Unicorn | Play 10 times as Banagher Links.
V2 | Play 10 times as Uso Ewyn.
Windam | Use Combo Burst Attacks 160 times.
Windam (Neo) | Play 5 times as Neo.
Wing Zero | Play 10 times as Heero.
Z Gundam | Play 10 times as Kamille Bidan, Judao Ashta, Roux Louka.
Z'Gok | Use Combo Burst Attacks 60 times.
Z'Gok | Perform Burst combo using team Musou 60 times.
Zaku II | Use Combo Burst Attacks 10 times.
Zaku II | Perform Burst combo using team Musou 10 times.
Zaku Tank | Perform Burst attack 10 times.
Zaku Tank | Use Burst Attacks 10 times.
ZAKU Warrior | Use Burst Attacks 180 times.
Zeong | Play as Char Aznable 5 times in Zegong.
Zeong | Play 5 times as Char Aznable.
ZZ Gundam | Play 10 times as Judao Ashta, Roux Louka.