Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
1,000,000 Damage! (Bronze) | Dealt 1,000,000 points of damage.
10,000 Damage! (Bronze) | Dealt 10,000 points of damage.
10,000,000 Damage! (Bronze) | Dealt 10,000,000 points of damage.
10,000,000,000 Damage! (Gold) | Dealt 10,000,000,000 points of damage.
100,000 Damage! (Bronze) | Dealt 100,000 points of damage.
100,000,000 Damage! (Bronze) | Dealt 100,000,000 points of damage.
Air Superiority! (Bronze) | Destroyed an object in the air.
Assault Those Baddies! (Bronze) | Successfully get a preemptive attack.
Continental Peon (Bronze) | Turn a continent into your peon.
Deep Space Flight! Go! (Bronze) | Performed a Blast Off attack at maximum power.
Fantastic Combo! (Bronze) | Performed a combo with at least 999 hits.
Fantastic TCS! (Bronze) | Activated a Triple Counter Stop at full power.
Fusion Complete? (Bronze) | Used Peon Fusion over 10 times.
G-Castle Battler (Bronze) | Won a G-Castle battle.
It Flew?! (Bronze) | Performed a Blast Off attack.
Job Master (Bronze) | Unlocked all Jobs.
Level 999 (Bronze) | Reached Level 999.
Moe Kill First-Timer (Bronze) | Successfully make an enemy your peon.
Mugen Field: 100th Floor (Bronze) | Reached the 100th floor of the Mugen Field.
Mugen Field: 50th Floor (Bronze) | Reached the 50th floor of the Mugen Field.
Mugen Field: Access (Bronze) | Entered the Mugen Field for the first time.
Nice Combo! (Bronze) | Performed a combo with at least 100 hits.
Nice TCS! (Bronze) | Activated a Triple Counter Stop.
Overwhelming Grind! (Silver) | Obtained more than 999,999,999 Mugen Points.
Overwhelming Millionare! (Bronze) | Held more than 100,000,000 G.
Overwhelming Peon Ball, GO! (Gold) | Made a Peon Ball over 10,000,000,000 Km in size.
Shampuru Revolution! (Bronze) | Be a victim of your own Peon Ball.
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered! (Bronze) | Won a battle in the Mugen Field with all commands sealed.
Take a Dip! (Bronze) | Checked out the stat-boosting hot spring for the first time.
The God of Moe (Silver) | Increased Chou-Chou's Charm Level beyond the 50 percent mark.
The Goddess Has Descended? (Gold) | Increased Chou-Chou's Charm Level to 100 percent.
World Domination, Go! (Bronze) | You started the game. Great work!