Awards, badges or achievements unlocked during play. This is a partial list as there should be 32 in total.
Award | How to unlock
1,000th Anniversary | Eliminated 1,000 balloons total.
10,000th Anniversary | Eliminated 10,000 balloons total.
Appreciation Award | Total playtime over 10 hours.
Bronze Medalist | Clear Tour Mode Arcade Standard.
Certified Champion | Perfect Cleared all areas in Area Challenge of Tour Mode.
Certified World Heritage Fan | Clear Tour Mode Expert.
Certified World Heritage Maniac | Clear all Tour Mode Standard/Challenge.
Certified World Ranker | You have ranked-in at least once in World Ranking.
Gold Medalist | Cleared Tour Mode Arcade Special.
Got 1 million pts | Got 1 million points in one play.
Hall of Fame | Cleared Total Score Target in all areas in Area Challenge of Tour Mode.
Heart of Bronze | Cleared level 50 of Panic Mode Normal.
Heart of Diamond | Cleared Panic Mode Touch.
Heart of Steel | Cleared Panic Mode Normal.
Heart of Stone | Cleared level 50 of Panic Mode Touch.
Perfect bulls eye | Hit 100 balloons without missing.
Ranked in the top 10 | You have ranked at least once in Top 10 of the World.
Ranked in the top 100 | You have ranked at least once in Top 100 of the World.
Ranked in the top 1000 | You have ranked at least once in Top 1000 of the World.
Silver Medalist | Cleared Tour Mode Arcade Expert.
Sudden Death | Died instantly after start.
World Traveler | Cleared Tour Mode Standard.