Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
ARMed and Dangerous (Bronze) | Kill an enemy with the A.R.M.
Annoying Little Fly (Bronze) | Kill a player flying a Vulture pack by ramming them with your Hawk.
Build & Battle (Bronze) | Use Build & Battle for the first time in multiplayer.
CTF Starter (Bronze) | Win your first Capture the Flag game.
CTF Veteran (Silver) | Win 100 Capture the Flag games.
Conqueror (Silver) | Win 100 multiplayer games.
Curious Builder (Bronze) | Build one of every available structure in a single multiplayer game.
Deadeye (Bronze) | With the LR-3 Railgun, kill an enemy from more than 2,500 feet away.
Eagle Eye (Bronze) | Shoot down a flying Hawk with the Ox Heavy Tank.
First Blood (Bronze) | Get your first kill in multiplayer.
Hat Trick (Bronze) | Destroy a fully-loaded Razorback with R-Sec proximity charges.
Lone Wolf (Silver) | Play a perfect Deathmatch game (top player, no deaths).
Long Bomb (Bronze) | Kill an enemy with a Tetranite Grenade from at least 200 feet away.
Mancake! (Bronze) | Kill an enemy by dropping a structure on them.
Mech My Day (Bronze) | Shoot the pilot out of a Hawk while it's on the ground.
Minor Miscalculation (Bronze) | Kill an enemy with his own R-Sec proximity charge.
Out of the Saddle (Bronze) | Shoot the driver, passenger, or gunner out of a Razorback.
Outlaw (Silver) | Get 1,000 kills in multiplayer.
Perfect Harvest (Silver) | Win a Prospector game without losing any lives.
Prolific Builder (Silver) | Build 100 structures in multiplayer.
Prospector Starter (Bronze) | Win your first Prospector game.
Prospector Veteran (Silver) | Win 50 Prospector games.
Ready Up (Bronze) | Use Build & Battle for the first time in the campaign.
Rear Gunner (Bronze) | Shoot down a Hawk with the Razorback turret.
Saboteur (Bronze) | Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Welding Torch.
Starhawk Veteran (Platinum) | Earn every single trophy in Starhawk.
TDM Starter (Bronze) | Win your first Team Deathmatch game.
TDM Veteran (Silver) | Win 100 Team Deathmatch games.
Takedown (Bronze) | Kill an enemy with a melee attack.
Team Leader (Silver) | Play a perfect Team Deathmatch game (top player, no deaths).
The First of Many (Bronze) | Win your first multiplayer game.
Zones Starter (Bronze) | Win your first Zones game.
Zones Veteran (Silver) | Win 100 Zones games.