Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
All Hail, Tekken Incarnate! (Platinum) | You earned everything.
Avoid Flying Heads (Bronze) | You escaped from Alisa's Spam Bomb move.
Bad Date (Bronze) | You dropped a damsel into the pool in the Eternal Paradise stage.
Bazillionaire (Silver) | You earned over 10,000,000G total.
Be Still My Iron Heart (Bronze) | You won a ranked match in Online Mode.
Behold the Tekken Lord! (Gold) | You became Tekken Lord in Offline Mode.
Below the Belt (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 low parries.
Combot, Annihilate! (Bronze) | You cleared Stage 4 in Fight Lab.
Combot, Engage! (Bronze) | You cleared Stage 3 in Fight Lab.
Combot, Move Out! (Bronze) | You cleared Stage 2 in Fight Lab.
Combot, On Standby! (Bronze) | You cleared Stage 1 in Fight Lab.
Combot, Return to Base! (Silver) | You cleared Stage 5 in Fight Lab.
Dance to Your Own Beat (Bronze) | You changed the background music using TEKKEN TUNES.
Dish Best Served Cold (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 reversals.
Doused But Not Out (Bronze) | Your upper body got wet in the Fallen Garden stage.
Enter the Vanquisher! (Silver) | You earned Vanquisher in Offline Mode.
Escape Artist (Bronze) | You successfully completed 10 throw escapes.
Fickle Friend (Silver) | You switched places with your partner 765 times.
Flying Butt-Kicker (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 10 hit combos.
Fortunate Fighter (Silver) | You earned 3 Lucky Boxes.
GREAT Gladiator (Silver) | You won a GREAT battle.
Geronimooo! (Bronze) | You broke a balcony.
Impressive Moves (Silver) | You pulled off a GREAT combo.
Insane Juggler (Silver) | You dealt more than 62 damage in a midair combo.
Iron Heartache (Bronze) | You fought 3 times in Online Mode.
Lead Coach (Bronze) | You dealt a total of 1000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode.
Master of the Direct Tag Assault (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 Direct Tag Assaults.
Master of the Tag Assault (Bronze) | You pulled off 10 Tag Assaults.
Master of the Tag Combo (Bronze) | You pulled off 10 Tag Combos.
Master of the Tag Throw (Bronze) | You pulled off 10 Tag Throws.
Movie Buff (Silver) | You unlocked 40 characters' ending movies.
Oodles of Ukemi (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 ukemi.
PERFECT Player (Bronze) | You won a PERFECT battle.
Preeminent Partner (Bronze) | You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle with a partner.
Proof of Your Existence (Silver) | You won 10 consecutive battles in Survival in Offline Mode.
Renovation Time (Bronze) | You broke a wall.
Secret Weapon (Bronze) | You used an item move.
Solo Warrior (Bronze) | You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle solo.
Stick It to 'Em (Bronze) | You pulled off 10 homing attacks.
Super Combot DX Complete (Gold) | You unlocked all the content in Fight Lab.
Super-Speed Fists (Bronze) | You cleared Offline Mode Time Attack within 20 minutes.
Tekken Black Belt (Bronze) | You earned 1st dan in Online Mode.
Tenacious Fighter (Bronze) | You won 3 team battles in Offline Mode.
The Best of Friends (Silver) | You pulled off 3 partner-specific Tag Throws.
The Original Bouncer (Bronze) | You pulled off 10 bound combos.
Touch-Up Artist (Bronze) | You customized a character.
True Friendship (Bronze) | You pulled off 3 Tag Crashes.
Tug at My Iron Heart Strings (Bronze) | You won a player match in Online Mode.
Watch Your Step! (Bronze) | You broke a floor.
Who You Gonna Call? (Bronze) | You defeated 30 ghosts.