Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
All Three Dark Witches Defeated! (Silver) | All three Dark Witches have been defeated.
Bad Ending (Gold) | You earned the bad ending.
Belda's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | Belda's Distortion Clear! A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Chapter 1, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and Her Nemesis, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 1, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and Her Nemesis, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 10, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Trial, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 10, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Trial, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 11, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Hundred Knight, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 11, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Hundred Knight, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 12 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Dark Knight has been cleared.
Chapter 13 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Witch and the Witch has been cleared.
Chapter 2, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Inquisitor, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 2, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Inquisitor, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 3, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Great Duchess, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 3, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Great Duchess, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 4, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Ancient Ravine, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 4, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Ancient Ravine, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 5, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Astrologist, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 5, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Astrologist, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 6, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Big Soiree, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 6, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Big Soiree, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 7, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Bug Princess, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 7, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Bug Princess, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 8, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Small One, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 8, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Small One, part 2, has been cleared.
Chapter 9, Part 1 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Lonely Soul, part 1, has been cleared.
Chapter 9, Part 2 Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Lonely Soul, part 2, has been cleared.
Defeated Dark Witch Aramashira! (Silver) | Dark Witch Aramashira has been defeated.
Defeated Dark Witch Faarenhait! (Silver) | Dark Witch Faarenhait has been defeated.
Defeated Dark Witch Kilkenbyuut! (Silver) | Dark Witch Kilkenbyuut has been defeated.
Graduated From Primavera! (Bronze) | Primavera School Section has been cleared.
Grand Finale (Platinum) | All trophies have been acquired. Excellent work!
Lily's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Lucchini's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Mega Hunny Knight Defeated! Silver | Mega Hunny Knight has been destroyed.
Nezaria's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Normal Ending (Gold) | You earned the normal ending.
Prologue Clear! (Bronze) | The Witch and the Dark Servant has been cleared.
Purple Peel and Lavi's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Released All Pillars! (Silver) | All Pillars have bloomed.
Swamp Witch Metallia Defeated! (Silver) | Defeated your master, Swamp Witch Metallia.
The Hundred Knight's Conscience (Bronze) | The Hundred Knight gained the ability to use logic and reason.
The Hundred Knight's Intellect (Bronze) | The Hundred Knight gained the ability to make basic choices.
The Hundred Knight's Strength (Bronze) | The Hundred Knight gained the ability to defend itself.
The Hundred Knight's True Power (Silver) | The conditions required to fight against fate have been met.
True Ending (Gold) | You earned the true ending.
Valentine's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.
Visco's Distortion Clear! (Bronze) | A new wedge has been created to repair Metallia's original world.