Screens will appear in a random order. The following is a list of all answers, sorted alphabetically.
Question | Answer
4th Of July | boom, food, dog, cook
| Alarm | bell, loud, sound
| Alaska | cold, oil, ice, sled, elk, wild
| Aliens | ufo, abduct, lab
| Animals | seal, flea, fox, ox, clam, mole, camel, foal, calf
| Apple | tree, green, red, seed, stem
| Aquarium | tank, net, plant, algae, leak
| Army | camp, march, rank, map, tank
| Art | paint, draw, pen, painter, print, trained, pad
| Astronaut | float, sun, aloft, solar, lunar, far, star
| Autumn | fall, leaf, chill, chai, fire, hail, ale
| Bar | tab, seat, darts, tavern, tv, eat, bartend, band
| Barber | cut, chair, hair, chat, clip, haircut, tip
| Baseball | strike, safe, bat, era, fast, rbi, first, base, tie, ab
| Basketball | jump, jam, tip, time, palm, team
| Bathtime | soap, suds, soak, duck
| Battery | aa, aaa, c, d, charge, dc, car
| Beach | sand, waves, wind, views, wade, dive, sea, isle, seal, sail, island
| Bear | den, cub, claw
| Bed | sheet, sleep, post, sore, rest
| Bee | hive, honey, drone
| Bicycle | chain, seat, tire, race
| Birds | egg, nest, twig, song, wings, noise, sing, snow, note
| Black | ice, eye, bird, bear, beard
| Blue | mood, sky, moon, man, monday, sad
| Body | tibia, rib, brain, heart, ear, retina, hair, heat
| Books | paper, page, read, word
| Bowling | lane, pin, ball, win
| Bread | toast, flat, pita, loaf, oats
| Breakfast | salt, egg, toast, latte, tea, taste, eat, oats
| Brick | red, house, hard, set, dust, road
| Bubble | pop, soap, wand, wrap
| Bugs | ant, gnat, tick, stick, tiny, sting, stink, icky, nit
| Burgers | meat, bun, eat, bacon
| Burrito | cream, bean, meat, rice, eat
| Business | suit, car, card, trip, tip, audit, paid
| Calendar | year, week, day, may, weekday, mark, wed, mar
| Camera | lens, snap, strap, stop, pan, set, store, tape, plate, person
| Campfire | smoke, cook, wood
| Camping | tent, tree, beans, bear, eat, star, ants, bats
| Canada | maple, leaf, bear, lake, park, elk
| Candy | crush, corn, cane, rush, crash, sour
| Cannon | ball, fire, bore
| Cars | shift, start, seat, tires, fast, air, first, heat
| Castle | stone, old, moat, damsel, masoned, mead, meats, mold, slate, ale
| Cat | paw, pet, purr, fur, eat, water, fat, rat
| Cattle | ranch, herd, head, pen, brand, barn, bred, car
| Cheese | aged, rind, brie, brine, dairy
| Cherry | pit, pie, stem, red, tree, ripe
| Chess | king, pawn, win, knight
| Chocolate | cocoa, bar, dark
| Christmas | tree, fire, feast, gift, figs, eat, greet, star
| City | street, cars, streetcar, terrace, career, rats, erect, arts
| Clear Sky | cloudless
| Clothing | shirt, skirt, suit, tie, hat, sari
| Coffee | dark, brew, bean, brown, work, wake, dawn, weak, brand, break
| Color | red, gold, grey, rose, solid, dye
| Colors | yellow, white
| Computers | cpu, ram, os, rom, mouse, mac, pc, user
| Construction | plans, span, nail, site, tile, plank
| Cookie | jar, sugar, bake
| Cooking | cook, flour, food, cool, curd, duck, fold, fork
| Corn | chip, maze, maize, cream, ear
| Court | case, sue, law, lose, won, counsel
| Cruise | buffet, fed, sea, stuffed, feast, staff, bed, aft, eat, bet
| Day | light, job, hot, bright, big
| Deer | doe, tick, buck
| Dentist | spit, cavity, pain, cap, sit
| Desert | hot, dry, sand
| Dinner | course, set, soup, roast, capers, sauce, cut, catsup, pot, pour, tacos, port, cater, pesto, seat, eat, peas
| Dinosaur | bone, horn, era, roar, rex
| Disneyland | parade, park, ride, pay, kid, day
| Doctor | dr, drug, shot, cough, ouch, touch, gout, hurts, doc, gut, cut
| Dog | bark, bone, run, fur
| Dragons | egg, fire, fly, flee, fry
| Drum | beat, stick, set, bass, kit, seat
| Ducks | beak, drake, feed, lake, bread
| Earth | planet, land, sea, day, plants
| Easter | egg, hide, ham, eat, hat
| Emotions | mad, sad, shame, shy, envy
| Exercise | lift, spin, run, sprint, situp, fit, tip
| Facebook | post, photo, tag, page, pets
| Farm | barn, pig, hay, grain
| Fashion | cloth, color, cut, clothe, eco, cool, cute, hot, hue, touch
| Fast Food | fast, fries, fat, soda, fried, roasted, side, diet, eat, ate
| Fishing | lure, worm, lake, row, meal, oar
| Flowers | lily, lilac, daisy, calla
| Flying | air, plane, aileron, plan, aisle, soar, spin, nap, nose, noise
| Forest | tree, fern, green, pine, fire, fir
| Frog | hop, leap, leg, race, log
| Fruit | peach, pear, cherry, berry
| Games | play, dice, card, player, replay, race
| Garden | veg, gate, tree, grow, row, water, eat, rot, tea
| Geometry | side, face, cone, sine, cosine
| Glass | pane, eye, break
| Gold | coin, mine, money, ore, ring, miner
| Golf | club, cup, putt, trap, clap, par, cart
| Grape | jam, juice, wine
| Green | horn, roof, moss, moor, room
| Grocery | bags, cart, list
| Guitar | pick, neck, case, axe
| Hair | cut, style, curl, dye, dry, lustre, cute, red
| Halloween | night, ghost, fright
| Hawaii | luau, surf, lei, sail, sea, isle
| Hiking | trail, mile, map, water, trip
| Hockey | puck, ice, stick, hit, setup, upset, cup, push, cut
| Honey | bee, comb, tea, babe
| Horses | ride, feed, bit, pet, bet, breed, bite, tie
| Hot Tub | jets, seat, soak, sit, steam
| House | yard, room, bedroom, dayroom, abode, adobe, board, door, dream, roomy, beam, bed
| Hygiene | wash, bath, bathe, brush, tub, water, washtub, sweat, warts, ears, swab, tush
| Ice Cream | cone, cold, scoop, spoon
| Ice | cube, cave, cream, carve, tea
| Ice Skating | blade, glide, ice, cold, lace, leg
| Internet | cats, ads, videos, site, vices, date
| Italy | vino, milan, rome, rail, amore, olive, oil, vine, meal, verona
| Jail | cons, bars, bird, arson, narc, radio, basin, bonds, drab, bad, iron, raid, rob, sad, sob
| Jeans | blue, denim, levi
| Job | temp, time, pay, day, dream, trip, dirty
| Jungle | gorilla, log, leaf, frog, foliage, flora, feral, fog, life
| Kids | love, hug, fed, loud, glue, feud, hold
| Kitchen | fridge, food, ice, rice, dice, fire
| Kite | fly, sky, tail, air
| Lake | boat, house, shore, bathe, tube
| Las Vegas | cash, casino, show, hot, action, town, win, coin, hit, sit, act, sin
| Library | read, card, due, study
| Lighthouse | beam, light, emit, gale, lit, gleam
| Magic | trick, act, hat, card, hand, hint, dark, tank, chain
| Mail | stamp, post, box, man
| Mall | rats, store, sale, shop, steal, eat
| Mars | red, rover, rock, rocket
| Match | head, fire, lit, heat
| Metal | iron, tin, zinc, rust, coin
| Mining | dig, dark, gem, dirt, grit, grime, gear, dim
| Money | cash, coin, atm, casino, mint, cost
| Moon | rock, rocket, crater, dark
| Morning | sunrise, sun, tired, run, dress, stir, rise
| Motorcycle | bike, tire, fuel, biker, filter, trike
| Mountain | goat, peak, slope, top, alps
| Movies | romance, scream, actor, star, cam, act, monster, cameo, cast, censor, costar, oscar, rate, snore, arts, seat, can, set, score
| Museum | history, tour, art
| Music | note, tempo, tenor, tone, horn, mute, tune, hum
| Night | star, dark, owl, rat
| Ninja | sneak, smoke, fast, mask, foe
| Numbers | five, seven, ten, six, sixteen
| Ocean | fish, coral, sailor, orca, roil, sail, shoal
| Onion | skin, ring, cry, stink
| Owls | flight, silent, night, sight, nest
| Pancakes | syrup, stack
| Park | dog, grass, sit, dirt
| Party | music, dance, ice, names, dim, mic, am
| Pets | fur, cat, train, stain, antics, frantic, fart, runt, fat, run, scat, sit, rat
| Phone | cell, ring, call, car, line, ear
| Piano | key, grand, bar
| Picnic | food, ants, date, sand, sat, eat
| Pie | apple, slice, piece
| Pig | slop, pen, pink, oink, pork, loin, iron, nose, skin
| Pirates | ship, shot, isle, tale, hostile, pistol, topsail, sail, lash, steal, spit, hoist, oath, ale, hat, hilt, salt, sea
| Pizza | sauce, slice, crust, cut, eat
| Plants | dirt, roots, stem, mist, rot, moist, mites, trim, die, odor, rose
| Potato | chip, fry, eye
| Pottery | clay, glaze, heat
| Pyramids | tomb, rob, stone, tour, sun
| Quilting | sew, cut, piece, tie, tip, sit
| Racing | sprint, stripe, line, mile, time, tire, pit
| Rain | drop, pour, flood, drip, fluid, loud
| Rainforest | vine, mist, ant, ape, native, nest, peat, vast, sap
| Red | hot, card, rose, coats, heart, code, head
| Restaurant | eat, out, menu, item, tip, patio, open, pie, meat, tea
| Road Trip | bored, road, break, car, drove, broke, rv
| Robots | droid, android, drive, drone, invade, diode
| Rock Music | roll, jam, radio, idol, limo, road
| Rodeo | horse, horn, rope, pen, ride, herd, reins
| Romance | date, heart, her, rose, prose, read, adore, hope, share, star, stared, dear, heat, eat, poet
| Roses | red, stem, bud, bug, rust, bed
| School | tutor, read, test, seat, date, start, art, dues, trade, state
| Science | lab, test, coat, tablet, bottle, set, table, total, blast, state, base, scale
| Scuba | tank, mask, gas, sea, wet
| Shapes | star, triangle
| Sheep | wool, lamb, black
| Ship | port, rope, deck, dock, creak, trade, rat, crate, ark
| Shoes | heel, sole, shoelace, sale, toe, closet, cleat
| Skateboarding | rail, grind, grab, ride, air, bail, lean
| Sleep | bed, snore, snug, sound, robe, nod
| Snakes | coil, cobra, scale, coral, sea, boa
| Snow | flake, ball, man, bank, fall
| Soccer | ball, goal, foul, fan, flag, global
| Soda | pop, can, cola, coke
| Soup | can, spoon, stock, cook, pot
| Space | orbit, star, orion, abort, boost, train, oort
| Sports | argue, brag, gear, grab, race, run, car, ace, fan, fun, ref, bag, bar
| Spring | flower, thaw, flora, water, foal, leaf
| Squirrel | nut, tree, gray
| St. Patrick’S | irish, charm, bar, march
| Starbucks | venti, cafe, line, caf, ice, tea
| Stock Market | ticker, pick, tip, sec, up, price, put, risk
| Study | cram, read, tired, tip, time, card, date, camp, idea, paid
| Submarine | dive, fin, ping, deep, pen
| Summer | bbq, beach, heat, hat, ac, babe, hot
| Superbowl | snack, sack, td, tv, ad, ran, dvr, star
| Surfing | board, wave, water, wade, wet, rode, bro, tow
| Surgery | clamp, scalpel, staple, plate, metal, set, cap, lamp
| Sweet | heart, sugar, tart, taste, treat, eat
| Tea | cream, leaf, cake, ice, meal, milk, earl, make
| Television | episode, espn, news, new, noise, on, seen
| Tennis | ace, racket, court, out, run, tour, net, rank
| Tools | pliers, rasp, vise, rule, pail
| Toys | bat, ball, doll, car, dart, boat
| Train | track, car, seat, time, steam, stack
| Transportation | bus, sub, boat, car, tram, cart, auto, cab
| Tree | root, bark, wood, oak
| Trucker | stop, load, cab, cb, cap
| Twitter | rt, tweet, trend, at, read, rant
| Us States | idaho, iowa, ohio, utah
| Vacation | hotel, towel, tour, shower, hostel, house, show, route, shore, short
| Valentine’S Day | cherub, heart, card, red, date, care, dear
| Veggies | corn, okra, root, cook, taro, carrot
| Viking | axe, hall, hull, sea, skull, ale
| Volleyball | spike, side, sand, hand, spin, skin
| Walk | mile, shoe, long, legs, insole
| Water | table, lake, park, tank, leak, tap
| Weather | cloud, cold, hot, drought
| Weekdays | monday, friday
| Whale | blue, sea, song, beluga
| White | flag, out, cloud, fog
| Winter | ice, snow, cold, sled, wind, noel
| Witchcraft | spell, brew, webs, herbs
| Wood | grain, hard, sand, nail, ash, ring
| Yellow | bus, bee, belly, sun, sub
| Youtube | watch, channel, cat, new
| Zombies | brain, rot, eat, ate, bite, bone, bait, groan, tearing, triage, organ, grab, gore
| Zoo | lion, sealion, bear, albino, learn, line, boar, bison, born, bars, boa, seal, raise
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