Use a text editor such as Notepad to edit the "options.rpy" file in the "Sunrider Academygame" directory. Change the config.developer = False line to config.developer = True. Press [Shift] + O during game play then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Code
Set girl's affection | affection_[name] = [0-100]
Set your charisma stat | stat_charisma = [number]
Set your fitness stat | stat_fitness = [number]
Set your grade stat | stat_grade = [number]
Set your homework stat | stat_homework = [number]
Set your int stat | stat_intelligence = [number]
Set your luck stat | stat_luck = [number]
Set your money stat | stat_money = [number]
Set your prestige stat | stat_prestige = [number]
Set your stress stat | stat_stress = [number]