Select the "Player Data" option at the main menu, then the "Prize Code" option. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding title.
Title | Code
A Gamer Appears | MTXMYW139YPZJI
Absolute Drama | W0ZSV5SYW2ZEEJ
Angry Dog | LPTPV4J9PMLW5B
Best Combo | 82SPR56FW3JX48
Better Luck Next Time! | M42OLW0IHGLGMJ
Black Sheep | VX3Z62YP695UMM
Bold Cat | OFU11HD1VC3TJ5
Breath of Summer | H3EO9O5MZTCMLQ
Capcom Fighter | 8TGIXJVLEKEHG8
Cheers! | 0QLBUU3LB7R8WO
Chocolate-Chip Cookie | 2592B6JIV6CR49
Combo! Combo! Combo! | Q7V887R20SOLBC
Dream Hit | GVQ5KMMLP8I6L1
Feels so good! | 9S2E7ERBCPMMPO
Fighting All Year Long | EWSK6LY7LBMP9T
Freezing Dragon | 97PC5SBD1JVTV7
Hit Me Again | FPWA10SMZ378IT
Justice till the End | 1H98PF2079P43T
Lightning Blast | XVCXTA1Y16R9AG
Nightmare | 7QSID0IM3PPY3V
Platinum Shine | 9QSPWS2LIOZWXL
Pro Animator | T9N4MH7IIHT3R0
Skillful Brother | 277B47IFXCUUXB
Stylish Blow | OY3Z7APLVKV4Z4
Sword Flash | 8RGYZWZMJRL2OP
You Need Spanking! | CS93SZDFK5JLTI