There seventeen events that can be unlocked by completing the indicated tasks. Note: Events that require the completion of Chain Requests must have completion of low-level requests first before progressing to high-level requests.
Event | How to unlock
Ambition | Start as a free officer.
Bandit Chief | You need to complete at least 5 missions from each of Robbery, Thieving, and Assassination request type missions.
Confession | Have an "S" rank with an officer of the opposite gender. Then, confess to the officer and he or she will confess back. Declaration of the Final Battle. Start a battle which can win the game.
Escape | Fail in a rebellion or hand over a territory to an enemy faction as the governor.
Founding a Country | Form an army then using it to raise a kingdom.
Marriage | You will get an option to get married after a successful confession.
Oath Brothers | Have an "S" rank with an officer.
Pinnacle of Might | Complete the final mission of the Hunt Request Chain, which requires killing a vagabond army with one of the following officers under your command: Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Pang De, Yu Jin, Gan Ning, Taishi Ci, Lu Meng, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xiahou Ba, Wen Yang, Lu Bu, Meng Huo, or Lu Lingqi.
Reliable Guardian | Complete the final mission of the Protection Request Chain, which requires defending a Marshal.
Successful Revolution | Complete a successful revolution.
Successor | Have the current ruler quit and choose your character as a successor. A relationship of "A" or better may make this easier.
The Capitalist | Have a nation with an Evilness of 1 and 99,999 gold.
The Looter of Chaos | Complete the final mission of the Thief Request Chain, which requires stealing from the National Treasury.
The Skillful Assassin | Complete the final mission of the Assassination Request Chain, which requires killing a Marshal.
The Strongest Mercenaries | Complete the final mission of the Rescue Request Chain, which requires rescuing a city.
Wealthy Country | Have a certain number of cities in your faction. Alternately, build six blacksmiths and item shops.