Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
A better sleep (10 points) | Sleep in a bed.
Amethyst chandelier (10 points) | Craft an amethyst chandelier.
Amethyst pickaxe (10 points) | Craft an amethyst pickaxe.
Amethyst portal (10 points) | Upgrade portal to amethyst.
Angler (5 points) | Catch a fish with a fishing rod.
Ankle biter (5 points) | Catch a baby shark in a bucket.
Bling (10 points) | Craft a gold pickaxe.
Brighter light (10 points) | Place a lantern.
Bronze age (10 points) | Craft bronze.
Circumnavigator (10 points) | Get right around the entire planet.
Clothing (10 points) | Craft and wear an item of clothing.
Color Splash (10 points) | Dye an item of clothing.
Conspiracy theory (5 points) | Craft and wear a tin foil hat.
Decorator (10 points) | Paint something.
Diamond chandelier (10 points) | Craft a diamond chandelier.
Diamond pickaxe (10 points) | Craft a diamond pickaxe.
Diamond portal (10 points) | Upgrade portal to diamond.
Diggy doggy hole (10 points) | Mine stone with a pickaxe.
Emerald chandelier (10 points) | Craft an emerald chandelier.
Emerald pickaxe (10 points) | Craft an emerald pickaxe.
Emerald portal (10 points) | Upgrade portal to emerald.
Espressoholic (10 points) | Drink a cup of coffee.
Find a diamond (10 points) | Find a diamond.
Find a ruby (10 points) | Find a ruby.
Find a sapphire (10 points) | Find a sapphire.
Find an amethyst (10 points) | Find an amethyst.
Find an emerald (10 points) | Find an emerald.
Fire and water (10 points) | Find or create basalt and mine it.
Four's a party (5 points) | Warp in a fourth blockhead.
Greenfingers (10 points) | Sow a seed.
Hard as nails (10 points) | Craft steel.
Hat (10 points) | Craft and wear a hat.
Hot stuff (10 points) | Reach the center of the world.
Iron age (10 points) | Craft iron.
Jaws (5 points) | Hand a shark jaw on the wall.
Mountaineer (10 points) | Climb the highest mountain.
North Pole (10 points) | Reach the North Pole.
Palace Builder (10 points) | Build with gold.
Paparazzi (10 points) | Take a photo.
Pyro (10 points) | Burn something.
Rich earth (10 points) | Plant something in compost.
Ring of fire (10 points) | Eat a chili.
Ruby chandelier (10 points) | Craft a ruby chandelier.
Ruby pickaxe (10 points) | Craft a ruby pickaxe.
Ruby portal (10 points) | Upgrade portal to ruby.
Sapphire chandelier (10 points) | Craft an sapphire chandelier.
Sapphire pickaxe (10 points) | Craft a sapphire pickaxe.
Sapphire portal (10 points) | Upgrade portal to sapphire.
South Pole (10 points) | Reach the South Pole.
Space climber (10 points) | Get to space.
Storyteller (10 points) | Star a campfire.
Sunrise (10 points) | Reach the east equator.
Sunset (10 points) | Reach the west equator.
Three's a crowd (10 points) | Warp in a third blockhead.
Travel in style (10 points) | Ride a donkey.
Two's company (10 points) | Warp in a second blockhead.
Wind in your sails (10 points) | Ride a boat.