Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
Blue Moon Walk | Do 5 moonwalk steps.
Crowd Pleaser | Don't get booed during a whole level.
Crowd Surfer | Go in the crowd.
Don't Upset The Rhythm | Do 20 steps on the beat in a row.
In The Limelight | Go under 5 spotlights during a level.
King Ben | Unlock the songs with Ben.
King Nils | Unlock the songs with Nils.
King Phil | Unlock the songs with Phil.
KIng Raman | Unlock the songs with Raman.
Lessons Learned | Do every type of steps during a level.
Metronome | Do 10 steps on the beat in a row.
Moonwalk Master | Do 10 moonwalk steps.
Queen Rosie | Unlock the songs with Rosie.
Spin Doctor | Do a 1800.
Staying Alive | Play a level without being disconnected.
The Devil Slide | Slide on 10 meters.
The Real King | Unlock all over Achievements.
Through The Tulips | Stay on tiptoe for 5 seconds.