It's nice to go ahead in the time and date to get more cash but beware! Your family is sick and depressed and you do not get new items from the flea market or the sale items furniture section.... Also, your clothing does not change you have the same clothes for a very long period of time. To make more money quick stay in real life time but make sure you adopt someone who makes $15 if you chose someone who makes more you will not get as much. Once you adopt the person who makes $15 make them work on their career and praise them mpre than 10 times even when they eun away make them start over again and praise them. Once you hes one this make sure to get married with someone and have a baby as soon as you can. Once child is three years old, do the same this with your spouse (making them work and praising them more than 10 times). Make sure your family is fed, happy, and well rested and don't check on them for a few hours you will notice they get promoted faster and your money will increase a lot faster and you don't lose out on flea market items.