Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A Fistful of Zorks (10 points) | Finish Veraville.
Been There, Died Like That (50 points) | Meet your end in six different ways.
Beswitched (25 points) | Complete Earth 2.0 Level 10 while swapping no more than 11 times.
Bloated (10 points) | Shift for the first time.
Both in the Same Float (25 points) | Keep both characters suspended in air at the same time for 4 seconds.
Crafty Velocity (15 points) | Finish Sherbert in under 34 minutes.
Defied by Gravity (50 points) | Complete Earth 2.0 Level 10 while jumping no more than 5 times.
Hoarding the Cola (50 points) | Collect 30 bottles of Black Hola Cola in a single world.
Holy Moly! (100 points) | Earn all Achievements.
I'll Be Your Friend Til the End (10 points) | Complete a level with a random multiplayer partner.
Last Zork Standing (75 points) | Defeat the giant robot boss at the end of each world without dying.
Malcolm at the Front (15 points) | Finish Veraville in under 26 minutes.
Met at the Candy Shop (10 points) | Finish Hyperactivia.
Mooned in Time (15 points) | Finish Earth 2.0 in under 31 minutes.
Newbie Hoarder (10 points) | Collect all bottles of Black Hola Cola in a single level.
No Guts, No Glory (50 points) | Jump on Hammerbot's head and live to tell the tale.
No Sucking Involved (10 points) | Finish Event Horizon.
No Time to Zork Around (75 points) | Complete all levels in Time Attack mode.
One Small Step for a Zork (10 points) | Finish Earth 2.0.
Panic Box! (75 points) | Get stuck at the objective in Level 9 on Hyperactivia.
Speedy Bonzo (15 points) | Finish Hyperactivia in under 24 minutes.
Sucky Speed (15 points) | Finish Event Horizon in under 16 minutes.
Sugar Rush (75 points) | Collect all 150 bottles of Black Hola Cola.
Switched at Birth (75 points) | Complete Event Horizon Level 3 while swapping no more than 11 times.
Up to You (25 points) | Complete Event Horizon Level 3 while jumping no more than 14 times.
Wanna Play With Me? (10 points) | Invite a friend to a multiplayer match.
Way of the Tentacle (10 points) | Finish Sherbert.
Zomegacorp Employee of the Month (75 points) | Complete the game.