Achievement | How to unlock
A Bolt From The Blue | Kill an enemy hero on the world map.
Ashes to Ashes | Raze a city.
Avatar | Recruit a Hero.
Bad Mojo | Win as Myrodants.
Begone! | Banish an enemy Sorcerer Lord.
Behold | Win as Eyegor.
Best Friends Forever | Make an alliance with another Sorcerer Lord.
Big Boss | Win as Orcs.
Big Spender | Spend 5000 mana on spells.
Birthday Present | Give a hero to another Sorcerer Lord.
Black Channels | Turn a living hero undead.
Born to Win | Win as pregenerated Sorcerer Lord.
Burning Buttocks | Start a hot seat game.
Captain Element | Have a unit deal fire, cold, electrical and acid damage with one attack.
Cobbler Dratewka | Kill a Drake with a Settler unit.
Come at Me! | Be at war with every other Sorcerer Lord at once.
Conqueror | Capture a city.
Corrupted | Recruit a living hero as the Unhallowed.
Created to Win | Win as custom Sorcerer Lord.
Damsel in Distress | Rescue a hero from a world feature.
Dominatrix | Win by casting Spell of Domination.
Dragonlance | Win as Draconians.
Drill Sergeant | Recruit a unit.
Dungeon Master | Explore a world feature.
Earth, Wind and Fire | Achieve Tier 9 in all elemental circles.
Exterminatus | Win the game by defeating all other Sorcerer Lords.
Founding Father | Found a new city.
Gadgeteer | Spend 5000 mana on crafting.
Gang of Six | Recruit 6 heroes.
Geronimo | Make a unit fall into nothingness.
Ghost in the Shell | Win as R'jak.
God Gog | Win as Magog.
Grey Eminence | Win as Grey Elves.
Grimoire | Research all available spells.
Hedge Wizard | Cast a spell.
High Lord | Win as High Men.
Hive Mother | Win as Prithvi Mata.
Hollow King | Win as Unhallowed.
Holy Water | Bless a Water Elemental.
I Am Back | Return from banishment.
I See Darkness | Win as Rastiss.
In Your Own Image | Create a custom Sorcerer Lord.
Keelhaul | Make a unit drown.
Know-It-All | Cast every spell.
Last Man Falling | Draw a battle.
Life Is Good | Win as Ariel.
Manamillionaire | Spend 50000 mana on spells.
Matriarch | Win as Dark Elves.
Merchant | Make a trade with another Sorcerer Lord.
Metropolis | Construct all buildings in a city.
Mighty Morphing Power Heroes | Have six heroes with all of their equipment slots filled.
Multiculturalism | Have a city of all seven living races.
Necronomicon | Win as Alhasret.
New Deal | Sign a treaty with another Sorcerer Lord.
New Girl | Win as Neve.
No Rest For The Wicked | Raise a hero from the dead.
Pimp My Soldier | Enchant a unit with five unit enchantmets.
Plane Scape | Travel to another plane.
Populous | Have at least 100k population in your empire.
Princess Maker | Win as Istimaeth.
Puppet Master | Recruit every unit.
Purified | Recruit an undead hero as a living race.
Sail Away | Embark a unit on a ship.
Scaly Surprise | Win as Drakhis.
Scribe | Research a spell.
Serve Me | Summon a champion.
Silence Will Fall | Win the game without casting any spells.
So Long, and Thanks for the Spells | Defeat a Sorcerer Lord.
Sorcerer Gadget | Spend 50000 mana on crafting.
Sorcerer of Fortune | Win as Markas.
Sorcerer under the Mountain | Win as Dwarves.
Spellslinger | Reach 100 Spellcraft.
Superhero | Have a hero reach maximum level
Temple of Doom | Defeat a level 6 world feature.
The Emperor Has No Clothes | Win the game having spent no point during Sorcerer Lord creation.
The Fastest Caster in the West | Cast two strategic spells in the very first turn.
The Old Man and the Throne | Win as Merlin.
The Stout King | Win as Varkin.
Tinker, Tailor | Forge an artefact.
Urbanization | Have at least 20 towns.
Victor | Win a battle.
Vikings! | Raid 100 gold as Orcs.
Xenophobe | Win using only your starting race.
You Know My Name | Reach 100 fame.
Zero to Hero | Have a unit reach maximum level.
Zoning Scheme | Have a city on all seven planes.