Complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievements and statistics in the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the "Magicka: Wizards Of The Square Tablet (PC)" game hub. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
"Whoops" | Multiplayer: Kill a fellow wizard.
An ice lady | Defeat Disa.
Atomic backstab | Multiplayer: Deal at least 800 damage to a fellow wizard in one attack.
Badass | Win a stage by blowing every single enemy to bits.
Badbutt | Win a stage without ever using the Life element.
Black comedy gold | Let a Seagal die from Oil.
Chunky salsa | Gib three enemies in one second.
Critical existence failure | Blow yourself up with a regular self-targeted spell.
Extra style bonus | Explode so hard that your staff makes 3 full rotations before landing.
Go out with a bang | Cast Supernova.
Goddess buster | Defeat Helsdottir.
Green wins by doing nothing | Multiplayer: Have the green wizard never die or cast a single spell and still win the stage.
Interactive paradox | Unlock this achievement to unlock this achievement.
Knock your block off | Get decapitated.
Legendary demise | Suffer at least 5000 damage in one blow.
No respect for personal space | Multiplayer: Telefrag a fellow wizard.
Oblivious to the elements | Die from a stage hazard.
Out to get you | Get killed by your own staff.
Paranoid | Imbue a personal barrier with three different elements.
Party trick | Get blown to bits and have your staff get stuck in the ground pole-first.
Passing the moose test | Defeat the Elk Dragon.
Spectacular demise | Suffer at least 1000 damage in one blow.
Sudden demise | Suffer at least 500 damage in one blow.
Surpassing the Master | Defeat Grampa the Gray.
The detentaclenator | Defeat the Dark Young.
The weakest link | Multiplayer: Die at least twice as often as all your teammates combined.
The yellow wizard always dies | Multiplayer: Have the yellow wizard die first in a stage's very first encounter.
Tonight we dine on crab soup | Defeat the Big Friendly Crab.
Whack-a-shark | Kill a Land Shark with a Thunder bolt.
You and your friends are dead | Multiplayer: Have a team of four wizards all die.
Your only friend | Purchase a familiar.