Enter the following answers for the corresponding level. Note: Some games may use a different level number scheme, but the answer list will still give you a clue as to all possible responses in the game.
Level | Answer
1 | Einstein
2 | Che Guevara
3 | Da Vinci
4 | Hitchcock
5 | Cleopatra
6 | Mozart
7 | Armstrong
8 | Ghandi
9 | Marley
10 | Diderot
11 | Moliere
12 | Mandela
13 | Defor
14 | Bolivar
15 | Jackson
16 | Joan Of Arc
17 | Nobel
18 | Chaplin
19 | McCartney
20 | Ashe
21 | Churchill
22 | Lumiere
23 | Arafat
24 | Escobar
25 | Carroll
26 | Orwell
27 | Edison
28 | Eisenhower
29 | Hemingway
30 | Fosbury
31 | Mercury
32 | Champolion
33 | Monroe
34 | Margritte
35 | Lingbergh
36 | Picasso
37 | Sinatra
38 | Nixon
39 | Colombus
40 | London
41 | Brutus
42 | Disney
43 | Falk
44 | Cartier
45 | Luther King
46 | Rowling
47 | Pythagoras
48 | Newton
49 | Marco Polo
50 | Caribaldi
51 | Caesar
52 | Kennedy
53 | Rockefeller
54 | Marx
55 | Elizabeth
56 | Cortes
57 | Gagarin
58 | Cook
59 | Fellini
60 | Zweig
61 | Neitzche
62 | Nefertiti
63 | Warhol
64 | Attila
65 | Alexander
66 | Gorbachev
67 | Curie
68 | Fleming
69 | Al Capone
70 | Mendeleev
71 | Pavarotti
72 | Buddha
73 | Van Gogh
74 | Doyle
75 | Jean Paul II
76 | Archimedes
77 | Pasteur
78 | Tolkien
79 | Roosevelt
80 | Trotsky
81 | King
82 | Chamberlain
83 | Tesla
84 | Houdini
85 | Charles
86 | Senna
87 | Louis XIV
88 | Thatcher
89 | Galileo
90 | Socrates
91 | Confucius
92 | Dali
93 | Eiffel
94 | Ford
95 | Jobs
96 | Allen
97 | Darwin
98 | Shakespeare
99 | Bell
100 | Stoker
101 | Presley
102 | Braille
103 | Freud
104 | Lee
105 | Chanel
106 | Lady Diana
107 | Napoleon
108 | Hendrix
109 | Gutenberg
110 | Blackhead
111 | Teresa
112 | Dean
113 | Beethoven
114 | Lincoln
115 | Jesus
116 | Lennon
117 | Saint Exupery
118 | Plato
119 | Baur
120 | Dumas
121 | Amundsen
122 | Voltaire
123 | Shaw
124 | Twain
125 | Wilde
126 | Tolstoy
127 | Owens
128 | Hepburn
129 | Saladin
130 | Aryabhata
131 | Earhart
132 | Luciano
133 | Kipling
134 | Hawking