Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Beyond the mines (Bronze) | Finished the first level in "Spelunker" (Original).
Dark tourism (Bronze) | Finished the first level without blowing off the ghost in "Spelunker" (Console).
Mysterious stone monument (Bronze) | Finished the first level in "Spelunker" (Console).
Pro Spelunker! (Gold) | Reached the final goal without a miss in "Spelunker" (Console).
The dazzling Pyramid (Silver) | Reached the final goal in "Spelunker" (Original).
The forgotten treasure (Bronze) | Finished the first level in "Spelunker II 23 keys" (Arcade).
The hidden treasure (Bronze) | Finished the first level in "Spelunker" (Arcade).
The true Pyramid (Silver) | Reached the final goal in "Spelunker" (Console).
The wedding (Silver) | Reached the final goal in "Spelunker II 23 keys" (Arcade).
Three miracles (Bronze) | Obtained same item for 3 continuous times with miracle "Spelunker" (Console).
Ultimate diamond (Bronze) | Obtained 10000pts diamond "Spelunker" (Console).
Xanadu (Silver) | Reached the final goal in "Spelunker" (Arcade).