Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Academy Award (Platinum) | Obtain all Trophies.
Adventurer (Bronze) | Unlock Curse of the Aztec.
Certified Professional (Gold) | Beat every challenge/Unlock RAD mode.
Change of Heart (Silver) | Achieve a total of 100 Grind-Switches.
Damn Good Coffee (Bronze) | Achieve a total of 1000 Perfect Grinds.
End of the Beginning (Silver) | Finish every Amateur career level.
Every Trick in the Book (Silver) | Perform one of every trick.
Going Pro (Silver) | Beat every Amateur challenge.
Grindstone (Gold) | Compete in the Daily Grind 7 times.
Hit the Spot (Gold) | Unlock every Spot.
I Want It All! (Gold) | Achieve 100% completion.
OlliOlli Oxen Free (Gold) | Find the 10 members of the Roll7 dev team.
Outlaw (Bronze) | Unlock Gunmetal Creek.
Perfect Timing (Bronze) | Achieve a total of 100 Perfect Landings.
Ready for RAD (Silver) | Finish any Pro level with every landing, grind and launch perfect.
Sky Runner (Bronze) | Unlock Titan Sky.
Spotless (Silver) | Set a score on every Spot.
Straight-A Student (Bronze) | Complete every level in Skatepark.
The Chosen One (Gold) | Finish every level in RAD mode.
The First One is the Hardest (Silver) | Get your first 1,000,000+ combo.
The World Stage (Bronze) | Compete in the Daily Grind.
Thrillseeker (Bronze) | Unlock Carnival of the Dead.
Tiny Hawk (Bronze) | Achieve a total of 100 Perfect Launches.
Twist 'N' Shout (Silver) | Achieve a total of 100 Perfect Revert-Manuals.
Twisted (Bronze) | Achieve a total of 50 Perfect Reverts.
Welcome To Olliwood (Bronze) | Unlock Olliwood.
Wheely Good At This (Bronze) | Achieve a total of 500 Perfect Manuals.