As the Monsters try to destroy Shear Colonists during Evacuation, certain map effects will be available in each round. If the Monsters win the first round, a map effect that is beneficial to them will be present in the next round, and vice versa.
Hunter benefits
Armored Turrets
Available on: Colonial Water & Power, King’s Fort, New Calico, Salveron Industries
Effect: Only appears in Defend Mode if Hunters win the previous round. They are very strongly armored against the Monster and its minions.
Attack Drones
Available on: The Dam, Wraith Trap
Effect: Search the map and damage the Monster.
Available on: Distillery, MedLab, Refueling Tower, Weather Control
Effect: Fly across the map and reveal the Monster’s location for the Hunters.
Cargo Ship
Available on: Aviary, Fusion Plant, Rendering Plant, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Reveals the Monster’s location for the Hunters.
Clear Skies
Available on: Aviary, Fusion Plant, MedLab, Refueling Plant
Effect: Predators go into hiding.
Available on: Barracks, Refueling Tower, The Dam, Wraith Trap
Effect: Two Colonists join your team and hunt down the Monster.
Ebonstar Ally
Available on: Orbital Drill, Rendering Plant, The Dam
Effect: Ebonstar Allies soldiers fight alongside the Hunters. They appear after the Hunters help defend the Barracks.
Fair Weather
Available on: Armory, Barracks, Distillery, Orbital Drill, Rendering Plant, The Dam, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Negates all harmful weather effects and provides natural lightning.
Available on: Armory, Barracks, Rendering Plant, Wraith Trap
Effect: Confined space marked by large transparent blue walls in which the Monster gets trapped. The Forcefield shrinks gradually, allowing the Hunters to deal additional damage to the Monster.
Available on: Aviary, Distillery, Weather Control
Effect: Distributed by the MedLab and allow Hunters to heal and remove strikes.
Scent Masking
Available on: Aviary, MedLab
Effect: Negates the Monster’s ability to smell and locate the Hunters.
Sentry Guns
Available on: Refueling Tower, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Deployable weapons that attack the Monster and its minions.
Space Laser
Available on: Barracks, Rendering Plant
Effect: Vright-red laser targets the Monster from above and does large amounts of damage.
Teleport Gates
Available on: Armory, Fusion Plant, Refueling Tower, Rendering Plant, The Dam
Effect: Small amount of bright-blue Teleport Gates appears on the map. Stepping inside one them sends the Hunters to a central location.
Monster benefits
Armored Minions
Available on: Colonial Water & Power, King’s Fort, New Calico, Salveron Industries
Effect: Opposite of Armored Turrets and only appear in the last round of Evacuation if the Monster won the fourth round. Grants additional armor to minions.
Canyon Striders
Available on: Barracks, Orbital Drill, Refueling Tower, The Dam, Wraith Tap
Effect: Adds extra Canyon Striders on the map, allowing the Monster to feed more frequently and gain two-bars energy per kill.
Carnivorous Plants
Available on: Aviary, MedLab, Refueling Tower
Effect: Carnivorous plants spawn, making the Hunters' movements more dangerous.
Ebonstar Corpses
Available on: Orbital Drill, Rendering Plant, The Dam
Effect: Corpses provide additional energy for the Monster.
Available on: The Dam, Wraith Trap
Effect: Prior to an EMP strike, a small yellow circle appears on the ground. If a Hunter is caught in it, he or she cannot use their Class Ability temporarily.
Falling Satellite
Available on: Barracks, Rendering Plant
Effect: A satellite is destroyed, sending parts falling. If a Hunter gets hit, he or she receives massive damage.
Hostile Wildlife
Available on: Aviary, MedLab
Effect: Wildlife drink contaminated water and attack Hunters aggressively.
Man-Eating Eels
Available on: Armory, Barracks, Rendering Plant, Wraith Trap
Effect: Eels attack Hunters and are friendly to the Monster.
Mutated Plants
Available on: Aviary, Distillery, Weather Control
Effect: Mutated Plants attack the Hunters and give health to the Monster.
Available on: Distillery, MedLab, Refueling Tower, Weather Control
Effect: Phantoms target the Hunters from above and deal serious damage.
Radioactive Clouds
Available on: Refueling Tower, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Toxic-green gas deals damage to Hunters as they walk through it.
Second Monster
Available on: Aviary, Fusion Plant, Rendering Plant, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Miniature monster follows the primary Monster and attacks the Hunters on sight.
Available on: Armory, Barracks, Distillery, Orbital Drill, Rendering Plant, The Dam, Weather Control, Wraith Trap
Effect: Simple weather change that makes it slightly more difficult to locate the Monster.
Teleport Rifts
Available on: Armory, Fusion Plant, Refueling Tower, Rendering Plant, The Dam
Effect: Teleport the Monster to different locations across the map.