Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
A Blank Card (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Eden.
A Fetus In A Jar (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 9 times.
A Quarter (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 8 times.
Azazel (Bronze) | Make 3 deals with the devil in one run.
Basement Boy (Bronze) | Beat the Basement/Cellar without taking damage.
Blood Rights (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Samson.
Bloody Lust (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Samson.
Blue Baby (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 10 times.
Boss Rush (Silver) | Beat the Boss Rush.
Broken Ankh (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Lazarus.
Cain (Bronze) | Hold 55 or more pennies at one time.
Challenges (Bronze) | Beat all 20 Challenges.
Daemon's Tail (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Azazel.
Dark Boy (Bronze) | Beat the Depths/Necropolis without taking damage.
Dark Room (Bronze) | Beat the Dark Room.
Dead Boy (Bronze) | Beat the Chest or Dark Room without taking damage.
Eden (Bronze) | Beat the Womb for the first time.
Eve (Bronze) | Beat 2 levels in a row without picking up any hearts.
Eve's Bird Foot (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Eve.
Everything Is Terrible (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 5 times.
Forget Me Now (Bronze) | Kill Satan with ???.
Golden God (Silver) | You are the best!
Guardian Angel (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Maggy.
Isaac's Heart (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with The Lost.
Isaac's Tears (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Isaac.
It Lives (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 11 times.
Judas (Bronze) | Kill Satan.
Judas' Tongue (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Judas.
Lazarus (Bronze) | Have 4 or more soul hearts at one time.
Lazarus' Rags (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Lazarus.
Little Baggy (Bronze) | Collect 2 of either Roid Rage, The Virus, Growth Hormones, Experimental Treatment, or Speed Ball.
Lost Poster (Bronze) | Beat the Dark Room with Isaac.
Magdalene (Bronze) | Have 7 or more max red hearts at one time.
Mama's Boy (Bronze) | Beat the Womb/Utero without taking damage.
Mom's Knife (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Isaac.
Platinum (Platinum) | Obtain all trophies.
Platinum God (Gold) | Collect all items and unlock all secrets and endings.
Real Platinum God (Gold) | 100% the game.
Samson (Bronze) | Beat 2 levels in a row without taking damage.
Something Cute (Bronze) | Beat the Caves 30 times.
Something from the future (Bronze) | Beat the Basement 40 times.
Something sticky (Bronze) | Beat the Depths 20 times.
Spelunker Boy (Bronze) | Beat the Caves/Catacombs without taking damage.
The Bomb Bag (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Cain.
The Book Of Secrets (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Eden.
The Book Of Sin (Bronze) | Kill all 7 sins.
The Chest (Bronze) | Beat the Chest.
The Coin Bag (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Cain.
The Guillotine (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Judas.
The Halo (Bronze) | Kill Mom using the Bible.
The Lost (Bronze) | Finish the game's final secret.
The Mind (Bronze) | Kill Satan with The Lost.
The Negative (Bronze) | Beat Sheol 5 times.
The Polaroid (Bronze) | Beat Cathedral 5 times.
The Razor (Bronze) | Kill Satan with Eve.
The Relic (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Maggy.
The Satanic Bible (Bronze) | Kill Isaac with Azazel.
The Womb (Bronze) | Kill Mom.
Transcendence (Bronze) | Kill Mom's Heart 3 times.