Note: All Exo-Abilities require battery energy, which cannot be recharged. You can use perks such as Overcharge or Fast Hands to get better battery life and activate Exo-Abilities faster.
Ability | How to unlock
Exo Shield | Absorbs 100% damage from enemy bullets. It can be used while in mid-air. You must crouch to protect your lower legs and feet. The Fast Hands Perks will let you deploy it faster. This ability is available in both single player and multi-player modes.
Exo Overclock | Increases your movement speed briefly.
Exo Mute-Deive | Silences your movements and amplifies the sounds of your enemies. It does not limit your visibility on the mini-map.
Exo Stim | Boosts your health for a short amount of time. It can be used in small boosts to prevent battery drain.
Exo Cloak | Surrounds you with optical camouflage. Your transparent outline will be the only thing visible until you you fire a weapon.
Exo Hover | Hover in mid-air briefly.
Exo Ping | Similar to a Threat Grenade except your enemies must use Exo Movements or fire their weapons to become visible.
Exo Trophy System | Destroy up to two incoming projectiles, excluding gunshots.
Exo Launcher | Manually detonate a grenade in the mid-air. Normally you can take two grenades, however with Bombardier Wildcard, you can replace your Exo Ability with another grenade which must be different from the other two. This means that you cannot equip three of the same grenades.