Play Act 3 Scene 12 "Death Wish". You can get this combo at the very start of the level, where you are playing as Mark (the bear). After you enter the initial elevator, run into the door you start off facing. Fire straight ahead to kill the two men inside. Turn back, go to the doorway on the right and shoot the two men patrolling in the hall beyond. Take out the dog and man with a gun that run at you from down the hall. Quickly open the first door (to the room where the dog came from, to the left of the next hallway) and shoot the two men who are standing guard. Move to the other side of the next hallway and shoot the two men standing guard through the windows. You will probably need to reload now. Move up the next hallway and use Mark's ability to spread his arms to shoot the men on either side (through the windows). You should have a 17x or 18x combo by now. If you have run out of ammo, quickly grab a weapon. Take down the men charging at you as they enter the hallway to get a 20x combo. Note: This may require a few attempts. The timing of your reload is very important. You must stay alive until the combo times out to earn ""COMBO GOD".