Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Adventure (Bronze) | Start the first campaign after installing.
Beauty (Silver) | Complete any campaign without being hurt.
Cannibalism (Bronze) | Eat all advanced creatures in a campaign without eating any food.
Devious (Bronze) | Paralyse the same creature 5 times without killing it.
Fashion (Bronze) | Decorate your creature with more than 10 alternating segments.
Friendship (Bronze) | Complete any campaign with 4 players.
Gaia (Bronze) | Eat every level complete egg.
Giant (Bronze) | Complete any campaign with a creature of 25 segments or longer.
Gratitude (Bronze) | Consume all credit foods.
Memory (Bronze) | Take more than 10 screenshots.
Peace (Silver) | Complete any campaign without eating anything.
Swift (Silver) | Complete any campaign within 120 seconds.
Vegetarian (Bronze) | Eat all foods in a campaign without killing any advanced creature.
Zen (Gold) | Leave game on idle in the end of credits for 30 minutes.