Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Airborne (Bronze) | BaraBariBall - Stay in the air for at least 30 seconds.
Backerfriendsforever (Bronze) | Make it through all the names in the Backers section.
Belly Of The Beast (Bronze) | BaraBariBall - Complete a match on Lagoon At Dusk.
Boxing-Day Test (Bronze) | Super Pole Riders - Play Kalgoorlie on Boxing Day (December 26).
Feliz Aniversário (Bronze) | Hokra - Play Rio as Brazil on Ramiro's birthday (July 10).
Got On Top (Gold) | Get On Top - First to 1000 victories. Go!
He'll Be Bach (Bronze) | J.S. Joust - Unlock secret options menu.
Musicfriends (Bronze) | J.S. Joust - Start a game with the secret Sportsfriends music option.
Over The Rainbow (Bronze) | Super Pole Riders - Complete a match on Rainbow Highway.
Overcoming The Odds (Bronze) | Super Pole Riders - Win a match with maximum "luck" handicap.
Showoff (Bronze) | Hokra - Win a match while taunting for at least 50% of your scores.
Staten Island Ferry (Bronze) | Hokra - Complete a pass from corner to opposite corner on New York City.
Super Clash Bros (Bronze) | BaraBariBall - Clash 5 times in a row.
Switched On Joust (Bronze) | J.S. Joust - Start a game every day of the week.