By meeting arbitrary conditions during gameplay, you will achieve these achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
Absolute Domination | Perform comboes 100 times.
Aggression Apprentice | Invest 15 skill points in offense.
Alien Sushi | Defeat Ixthid.
Bad Timing | Have your attacks get blocked 100 times.
Bully Stomper | Defeat Horlan the Crusher.
Can't Always Win | Lose 10 battles.
Determination | Stand up 100 times after being knocked down.
Elder Corpse | Defeat Master Yee.
Face Smasher | Smash your opponent with a weapon 5,000 times.
First Blood | Hit an opponent for the first time.
Flawless Victory | Defeat Creatos.
Gladiator's Edge | Get a two-star rank five times.
Gladiator's Experience | Get a three-star rank five times.
Gladiator's Perfection | Get the perfect star rank five times.
Go to the Devil | Defeat the Archdevil Malzor.
Guts Wrecker | Kick your opponent 5,000 times.
Heavy Drinker | Drink 100 potions.
Jumping Jacks | Jump over 100 enemy attacks.
Master of Aggression | Unlock the Meteor skill.
Master of Passivity | Unlock the Crystalline Prison skill.
Master of Wizardry | Unlock the Rage of the Colossus skill.
Ninja Goner | Defeat Nagano.
Not Novice Any More | Finish the Novice difficulty.
Not So Charming | Defeat Amit the Charmer.
Not So Fast! | Dodge 1,000 enemy attacks.
Orc Destroyer | Defeat Tagon.
Passivity Apprentice | Invest 15 skill points in defense.
Professional Dog Trainer | Defeat Gargadan.
Relentless | Fight an opponent for 15 minutes in a single fight.
Sucker Punch | Counterattack successfully 1,000 times.
The Rich Get Richer | Earn 25,000 gold coins total.
The Winner Is | Win 50 battles.
True Gladiator | Play the game for 24 cumulative hours.
True Warrior | Finish the Warrior difficulty.
Try Harder! | Block 1,000 enemy attacks.
Unstoppable RAGE! | Finish the Gladiator difficulty.
Vensor Dispenser | Defeat Lord Vensor the 3rd.
What... Just... Happened? | Get stunned for the first time.
Winning Streak | Win five consecutive battles.
With the Fish | Defeat the Sea Witch.
With the Speed of Light | Get knocked down in 5 seconds.
Wizardry Apprentice | Invest 15 skill points in magic.