By completing certain tasks, you can unlock additional areas around the island.
Area | How to unlock
Amusement Park | Have an islander confess his or her love.
Cafe | Have an islander confess his or her love.
Campground | Send a traveler from your island, or have a traveler visit and camp on your island.
Clothing Store | Have more than 1 male and 1 female islander, and solve 5 problems.
Compatibility Tester | Have 2 male and 2 female islanders, and solve 30 problems.
Concert Hall | Give a song to an islander who has leveled up.
Hat Shop | Have 2 male and 2 female islanders, and solve 10 problems.
Import Wear Shop | Communicate via StreetPass or receive an import item via SpotPass.
Interiors Shop | Save over $200.
Mii Homes | Celebrate an islander wedding.
Nintendo 3DS Image Share | Take a photo of a Mii’s apartment using X or Y.
Observation Tower | Get a gift to an islander who has leveled up.
Park | Have an islander confess his or her love.
Pawn Shop | Get 5 different treasures.
Photo Studio | Have 10 or more islanders, and solve 50 problems.
Port | Activate StreetPass.
Rankings Board | Have 5 or more islanders and solve 15 problems.