Hotspots are located in the indicated area.
Hotspot | How to unlock
2nd Regiment Armory | Mad Mile
35 East Wacker Drive | The Loop
Abandoned Station | Pawnee
Abraham Lincoln Statue | The Loop
Aiello's Bakery | The Wards
Ambrose Theatre | The Loop
Aon Center | The Loop
Bernai Island | Pawnee
Big Jim Colosimo's Cafe | The Wards
Birthplace of the Chicago South Club | Mad Mile
Bloody Maxwell Police Station | The Loop
Blume | Pawnee
Bootlegging Factory | The Loop
Botanical Gardens | Parker Square
Bram Steffan Pavilion | The Loop
Bridge Construction | Pawnee
Burned Down Factory | The Wards
Carding Center | The Loop
Cermak Bridge | Brandon Docks
Chicago Arts & Sciences Center | The Loop
Chicago Commerce Building | The Loop
Chicago Eastland Disaster | The Loop
Chicago World News Tower | Mad Mile
City Hall | The Loop
City Marina | The Loop
Commonwealth Hotel | Mad Mile
Crazy Moose Inn | Pawnee
Cree Theater | The Loop
Crowley Building | Mad Mile
Dam | Pawnee
Deadman's Corner | The Wards
Desplaines Street Police Station | The Loop
Face Fountain | The Loop
Farris Halstead Library | Parker Square
Forever Sculpture | The Loop
Four Deuces | Brandon Docks
Green Hook Tackle Shop | Pawnee
Hanson Park | Mad Mile
Harbor Lighthouse | The Loop
Hawthorne Hotel | The Wards
Haymarket Square Riot | The Loop
Hit on Johnny Torrio | The Wards
Home of Lloyd Pinkerton | The Wards
Home of Samuel "Nails" Morton | Mad Mile
John A. Walsh Public School | The Wards
John Hancock Center | Mad Mile
Junkyard | Pawnee
Lakeshore Water Refinery | Brandon Docks
Lexington Hotel | The Loop
Lipstick Killer - Brown Crime Scene | Mad Mile
Lipstick Killer - Degnan Crime Scene | Mad Mile
Lipstick Killer - Ross Crime Scene | Mad Mile
Lombardo Murder | The Loop
May Stadium | Parker Square
Meadowmoore Dairies | The Loop
Miller's Rail Bar | The Loop
Murder Castle | The Wards
Navy Pier Building | Mad Mile
O'Banion's Flower Shop | Mad Mile
Ocean Tower | The Loop
Owl Motel | Parker Square
Palin Correctional Center | The Loop
Parker Square Marina | Parker Square
Pawnee Mill | Pawnee
Pawnee Trailer Park | Pawnee
Phoebus Theater | Parker Square
Piper Gate | Parker Square
Randolph Street Subway Terminal | The Loop
Raven Building | The Loop
Rossi-Fremont | The Wards
Saffard Memorial Fountain | The Loop
Saga Theater | Mad Mile
Seaside Restaurant | Mad Mile
Secret Six | The Loop
Seventh Federal Bank | The Loop
Sheridan Wave Club | Mad Mile
Shotgun Man | The Wards
Sienna Brick Factory | Brandon Docks
South Tech University | The Loop
St. Joseph Cemetery | Parker Square
St. Jude Police League | The Loop
St. Valentine's Day Massacre | Mad Mile
St. Valentine's Day Massacre Lookout | Mad Mile
Stockyards | The Wards
Tremont House Hotel | The Loop
The Chicago Yacht Club | Brandon Docks
The Fort Dearborn Massacre | The Loop
The Murder Market | The Wards
The Pawnee Murder House | Pawnee
The Sands | Mad Mile
The Sausage Vat Murder | Mad Mile
Triomphe Tower | Mad Mile
V Alley | The Wards
Vault Tower | The Loop
Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge | Pawnee
Water Tower | Mad Mile
Willis Tower | The Loop
Windy City Shipyards | Brandon Docks
WKZ-TV Center | The Loop
WKZ-TV Tower | Mad Mile