At the oversized LEGO box in Bricksburg, you can enter the codes below to unlock the corresponding character (who is otherwise made available over the course of the game and then unlocked using collected studs as payment).
Code | Effect
F3VG47 | Abraham Lincolin
P4YX22 | Cleopatra
FNHLTK | Emmet (Clown)
UOOAQY | Emmet (Lizard)
HJ4C21 | Emmet (Pajamas)
NIHX2B | Emmet (Old West)
FXP9AN | Gallant Guard
OSSVNI | Green Ninja
A76DN7 | Lady Liberty
K7TDXJ | Larry The Barista
KGJ4DU | Lord Vampyre
UP7HJQ | Mrs. Scratchen-Post
NG73OM | Panda Guy
FHNCD1 | Prospector
GFH2F8 | Robo SWAT (Laser)
31S3I5 | Shakespeare
BID12F | Swamp Creature
BC2XJ5 | Vitruvious (Young)
V4P96P | Yeti