Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
...This Is Now (Bronze) | Set off the explosives in the present.
Building Bloxx (Bronze) | Unlock Bloxx.
Constructive Feedback (Bronze) | Unlock Feedback.
Extreme Earth Makeover (Bronze) | Discover the morphic generator.
Future Malformed (Bronze) | Defeat Mucillator.
Have A Ball (Bronze) | Unlock Cannonbolt.
Heavy Duty (Bronze) | Unlock Gravattack.
Muttin' To It (Bronze) | Unlock Wildmutt.
Past Due (Bronze) | Defeat the Queen Ant and rescue Grandpa Max.
Plumb Crazy (Bronze) | Lure Malware into the Plumber Training Room.
Super Cool (Bronze) | Unlock Arctiguana.
Technical Difficulties (Bronze) | Take out Psyphon and rescue Blukic and Driba.
That Was Then... (Bronze) | Plant the explosives in the past.
The Galvanic Butterfly Effect (Bronze) | Escape from Malware... for now.
Training Time (Bronze) | Completed the training simulation... and wrecked the timeline.
Two Malwares... No Waiting (Bronze) | Defeat both Malwares and fix the timeline.
Weird Scientist (Bronze) | Steal Animo's tech and lure Malware to the cavern.