Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Begone, lord of carrion! (20 points) | Defeat the Barrow Wight Lord.
Eagle Savior (20 points) | Defeat Agandaûr without the aid of Beleram.
Elf-friend (10 points) | Join forces with the sons of Elrond.
Friend of the Woodland Realm (10 points) | Free the elf from his captors in Mirkwood Marsh.
Friend to the Eagles (20 points) | Help free the Great Eagle Beleram.
Friend to the Ring-bearer (10 points) | Speak with Frodo in Rivendell.
Giant-slayer (20 points) | Slay Bargrisar the stone giant.
Hero of the North (80 points) | Defeat Sauron's Lieutenant Agandaûr.
In the Dragon's Den (20 points) | Meet a dragon and survive.
Mountain-breaker (25 points) | Help destroy the citadel within Mount Gundabad.
Siege-breaker (35 points) | Help weather the siege of Nordinbad.
Spider-slayer (25 points) | Slay Saenathra.
Tharzog's Bane (20 points) | Defeat Agandaûr's lieutenant Tharzog.
Tracker (10 points) | Discover what happened to the missing Rangers.
Trusted with the Secret (10 points) | Learn of the Ring of Power and the plan for its destruction.
Wulfrun's Bane (20 points) | Defeat the Sorceror Wulfrun.